Ursarus Primarus Egwene Tai prototype, the production model of which saw upscaling to make it a larger thing, her beast was smaller but otherwise identical to a combat-variant Ursarus Heavy Support Drone.

About the Ursarus Identical to a Combat Variant ursarus, only smaller.

Key Features Equipped with Anti-tank weaponry and some anti-personnel weaponry, the Ursarus Primarus is an excellent companion out in the field, allowing it to engage a wide variety of targets or soak shots for a flanking move from Egwene.

History While the L-3000 Combat Flight Suit is a decent suit of power armour, it is alone and it's weaponry's rate-of-fire is slow and not particularly strong in the grand scale. Plus, the choice of weaponry was limited as the suit didn't have a great deal of space to pack all the support for the weapons that it's frame can support. So Egwene devised something to solve this issue, creating the Ursarus Heavy Support Drone. This would carry the heavy gun to free up her frame, as well as bullets and battery packs for recharging her core in the field should it go dry from heavy energy weapon use. Unlimited energy was all well and good, but if the wiring and power conduits couldn't properly feed the multitude of weaponry required, it was just going to waste.

The prototypical design and concept was smaller than the finished product that is in market, being a Heavy Armour sized creation rather than a Medium Mech sized creation. Its design was simple enough that upscaling the design on demand was a task of only a few hours. Egwene designed the Ursarus Heavy Support Drone as a companion to walk along side her and give ground support, but the request to make it a proper Mech-sized beast was acquiesced to. If there is popular demand for a smaller version she has no problem replicating it into more, but right now her one is unique.

The design of the Ursarus Heavy Support Drone was delivered to an arms manufacturing facility, Egwene getting a singular sum and thirty percent of sales profits each quarter if it breaks a certain margin. The prototype, was kept by her.

Appearance Smaller than the usual Ursarus Heavy Support Drone, it is still 2.3 meters tall, with a wide and heavyset build to support the weaponry. Otherwise, it is identical to the Ursarus Heavy Support Drone

Statistical Information Type: Drone Support Class: Heavy Designer: Egwene Tai Manufacturer: Egwene Tai Production: Limited Production Crew: The Ursarus Heavy Support Drone has a MI brain that allows it to follow orders given to it by recognized command protocol, but is far more responsive with direct remote control. Maximum Capacity (Seated): 5 Passenger Capacity (Seated): Combat Variant: 5 Width: 4.7 meters Height: 3.2 meters

Speeds Ground speed: 108km/h Range: Unless heavily ladened with energy weaponry, the Plasma Reactor will be able to keep the Ursarus going for up to a month before it requires replacement and refurbishment. Refit Cycle: The Ursarus has a nanogenus maintenance system similar to Egwene's own body to eliminate the need for routine maintenance. Like the one in Egwene's own body, it can not handle considerable battle damage.


One Bjornskald

2 Energized Photon Personal Defense Weapons built into the eyes.

4 Photon Personal Defense Weapon, spread around the body to ensure 360 degree firing capability.

Interior Being a drone, one can not get inside it unless they are extremely small. Passengers sit on top of the drone, and as such it is not advisable transport through active warzones. The only interior is the stomach of the mule and that is a horrible place to be.

Weapons Systems The gun in the mouth is integrated. This requires a dismantling of the head, but the gun is still capable of being taken out and replaced as one might need, should they have the tools and the talent. The Photon Personal Defence Weapons draw from the plasma core, with tiny fusion breeder batteries taking the edge off the strain to allow for consistent firing rates.

Onboard Systems Descriptions The Ursarus Primarus has a Plasma Reactor in the centre to provide the most protection and a centralized power system allows for easier wiring to all parts of the drone. An automated injection/ejection system is built into the drone's side to replenish the emergency batteries in case the core is damaged or the Ursarus is pushed too hard with a heavy energy load.

Like the Combat Variant, it uses a Machine Intelligent Targeting computer to direct its weaponry. Heavy recoil compensators are built into the legs to soak the recoil from blasts of heavy weapon fire.

Cargo Capacity The Combat Variant can carry a hundred kilos of resources, the stomach component filled with auxiliary storage or ammo for the weaponry system that will be attached should they require it.