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Stationary Drone Bastion

The Stationary Drone Bastion are formidable defensive units designed by The Mining Guild, for their Security. It began production in in the 6th year, and is currently deployed by the Night Guard, providing essential perimeter defense and monitoring capabilities to the Mining Guild locations.

Designer: Aeta Kurosaki, Nyx Pine
Nomenclature: MG-O6-1A
Manufacturer: Mining Guild Engineering Corps
Fielded by: Mining Guild, Night Guard
Production Level: Mass Production
Pricing: 60,000 KS

Propulsion and Range

Here's about the immovable drones.


The Stationary Drone Bastion was developed in response to increased security concerns against critical Mining Guild infrastructure. As the Mining Guild's operations expanded into more hostile and remote regions, the need for robust and reliable defensive systems became paramount. This led to the inception of the Stationary Drone Bastion, a state-of-the-art defensive mechanism designed to protect vital assets and personnel.

First deployed in the 6th year, the Stationary Drone Bastion quickly proved its worth, becoming a cornerstone of the Mining Guild’s Private Security organization’s defensive strategy. Its initial deployments were around key Mining Guild settlements and infrastructure, providing an immediate boost in security and a deterrent against potential threats.

Since its first deployment, the Stationary Drone Bastion has been strategically placed around Mining Guild settlements, the Oasis-class Mobile Settlement, and various Mining Guild Headquarters, including branch headquarters and asteroid cities like Secunda City. Its presence in these locations has significantly enhanced security, allowing the Mining Guild to focus on its core operations with greater peace of mind.

The success of the Stationary Drone Bastion has led to its continued development and upgrades, ensuring it remains at the forefront of defensive technology. Its role in safeguarding the Mining Guild's interests has cemented its status as an indispensable asset within the Private Security organization, showcasing the Guild's commitment to protecting its infrastructure and personnel from any threats that may arise.

Function and Design

The Stationary Drone Bastion is built to provide constant surveillance and robust defense in strategic locations. Designed with cutting-edge technology, it serves as an essential security measure for the Mining Guild, ensuring the protection of key assets and perimeters. Its capabilities make it an ideal choice for high-risk environments where continuous monitoring and immediate response to threats are crucial.

Key Features of the Stationary Drone Bastion

The Following are the key Features of the Bastion drone hardware.

Advanced Monitoring Systems

The Bastion can use the following to keep watch.

Robust Defensive Weaponry

The Bastion can use the following to defend itself and the locations.

Autonomous Operation

The Bastion can use the following to show how good it is.

Strategic Deployment

Here's what can be done with the Bastion

Deployment History and Impact

Since its initial deployment in YE 46, the Stationary Drone Bastion has been a cornerstone of the Mining Guild’s defensive strategy. It has been installed in numerous locations, including:


The Bastion has a distinct appearance, characterized by its tower-like structure and modular design, allowing for various configurations based on specific security needs. Its imposing form is both functional and intimidating, designed to deter potential threats while seamlessly blending into its surroundings when necessary.

The tower-like structure of the Bastion stands tall and sturdy, with a series of interconnected modules that can be customized for different setups. Each module serves a specific purpose, from housing advanced sensor arrays to concealing defensive weaponry. This modularity ensures that the Bastion can be adapted to various operational requirements, whether it needs to provide enhanced surveillance, stronger firepower, or additional defensive measures.

At its base, the Bastion features a reinforced foundation, engineered to withstand explosions and heavy impacts. This robust base is critical for maintaining stability and ensuring the integrity of the Bastion under attack. The base is constructed from advanced composite materials, providing high resistance to both kinetic and energy-based assaults.

One of the most notable features of the Bastion is its capability to conceal its weapon systems. The weaponry is designed to remain hidden within the structure until needed, allowing the Bastion to maintain a low profile and avoid drawing unnecessary attention. When a threat is detected, the concealed weapons can quickly deploy, providing a swift and decisive response.

The entire structure of the Bastion is colored in a matte black finish. This choice of color serves multiple purposes: it reduces visibility during nighttime operations, minimizes glare from sunlight or artificial lighting, and adds an element of stealth. The matte black finish also helps the Bastion to blend into various environments, whether it's the rugged terrain of a mining settlement or the sleek architecture of an urban headquarters.



The Bastion drones, functioning as sentry units, are enveloped in heavy armor plating that forms the first line of defense against any potential threat. This armor is crafted from advanced composite materials known for their durability and resistance to a wide range of assaults, including ballistic impacts, energy blasts, and explosive forces. The armor's thickness and density are meticulously engineered to maximize protection while maintaining the drone's operational efficiency.

In addition to the heavy armor plating, each Bastion drone is equipped with a state-of-the-art shield generator. This shield generator creates an energy barrier around the drone, offering an additional layer of defense. The shield is capable of absorbing and deflecting incoming attacks, significantly enhancing the drone's survivability in hostile environments. The combination of physical armor and energy shielding makes the Bastion drone highly resilient and capable of withstanding prolonged engagements with hostile forces.

The integration of both heavy armor and a shield generator ensures that the Bastion drones can effectively fulfill their role as sentry units. Whether stationed at a critical infrastructure point or patrolling a perimeter, these drones are designed to provide relentless defense, standing firm against a variety of threats and maintaining the security of the areas they are tasked with protecting.

Power Systems

The Bastion Drones are designed with resilience and redundancy in mind, ensuring their continuous operation even in the face of power disruptions. Each drone is hardwired with backup batteries, which act as a failsafe to maintain functionality in case of a power outage. These high-capacity batteries are engineered to provide sufficient energy to keep the drones operational for extended periods, ensuring that security is never compromised.

For Bastion drones deployed at critical locations such as Mining Guild settlements, Oasis-class Mobile Settlements, and starships, they have the added advantage of being able to tap into the local power grid. In these scenarios, the drones are integrated into the power systems of these assets, allowing them to draw energy directly from the settlements' or starships' power sources.

The power systems in these locations are typically supported by advanced fusion reactors. Unlike traditional nuclear fusion reactors, these reactors utilize ion and plasma technologies to generate power. This type of fusion reactor is highly efficient and provides a stable, continuous supply of energy. The use of ion and plasma fusion technology eliminates the risks associated with nuclear fusion, such as radiation hazards and complex waste disposal, making it a safer and more practical choice for these environments.

By borrowing power from these advanced fusion reactors, the Bastion drones can maintain their operations without relying solely on their internal backup batteries. This ensures that they have a steady and reliable energy source, which is crucial for their performance in maintaining security. The integration with the local power infrastructure also allows the drones to operate at peak efficiency, utilizing the abundant energy generated by the fusion reactors to power their advanced monitoring systems, defensive weaponry, and shield generators.

This dual-power capability—internal backup batteries and external fusion reactor power—ensures that the Bastion drones are exceptionally reliable. Whether in remote locations with limited power infrastructure or within the well-supported environments of Mining Guild assets, these drones are equipped to provide uninterrupted security and defense, safeguarding critical operations and personnel at all times.


The Bastion AI is engineered with a sophisticated computation system that serves as its central processing unit, or “brain.” This advanced AI is designed to perform continuous surveillance and comprehensive threat analysis, ensuring that the Bastion drones can identify and respond to potential threats in real-time. The computation system is built on cutting-edge neural networks and machine learning algorithms, allowing the AI to learn and adapt to new threat patterns and environments.

Key Features of the Bastion AI

The following tells of the Bastion Software, the AI.

Integrated Control for Automated Defense Networks

Teamwork makes the dream work

Symbiotic Integration with Mining Guild AI Systems

Bastion isnt parasitic, but a symbiont, as shown here.

Practical Applications and Impact

The combination of these advanced features makes the Bastion AI a formidable component of the Mining Guild's security infrastructure. Its continuous surveillance capabilities ensure that no threat goes unnoticed, while its sophisticated threat analysis allows for rapid and accurate assessments. The integration with the Mining Guild's AI systems amplifies its computational power, making it even more effective in safeguarding critical assets.

Whether deployed in isolated mining settlements, mobile habitats, or strategic locations like asteroid cities, the Bastion AI's robust computational system and symbiotic integration with the Mining Guild's AI networks make it a critical asset in the ongoing effort to protect the Mining Guild's interests and personnel from any potential threats.


The Bastion boasts a highly capable sensor package, which enables it to thoroughly monitor its surroundings and detect potential threats. Central to this capability are its 360-degree rotational cameras with zoom functions. These cameras provide a comprehensive view of the environment, allowing the Bastion to meticulously scan for any suspicious activity or potential intruders. The zoom capabilities ensure that even distant objects can be closely examined, enhancing the Bastion's ability to identify threats from afar.

Complementing the visual surveillance are the motion detectors and pressure sensors integrated into the Bastion's sensor package. These sensors are highly sensitive to any movement or pressure changes in the vicinity, alerting the Bastion to the presence of individuals or objects that may pose a threat. This multi-faceted detection system ensures that even stealthy or concealed threats are identified promptly.

Adding another layer of sophistication, the Bastion is equipped with advanced acoustic sensors. These sensors are finely tuned to detect and locate gunshots1), using sound triangulation to pinpoint the origin of the shots. This capability is crucial in environments where auditory cues are vital for threat detection and situational awareness.

Thermal imaging is another critical component of the Bastion's sensor suite. This technology allows the Bastion to detect heat signatures, enabling it to see through cloaking devices and other forms of visual camouflage. The thermal imaging capability ensures that the Bastion can identify threats that attempt to evade detection by conventional means, such as hiding in shadows or using cloaking technology.

Together, these advanced sensor technologies form a comprehensive surveillance system that makes the Bastion a formidable sentinel. The combination of 360-degree rotational cameras, motion and pressure sensors, advanced acoustic sensors, and thermal imaging allows the Bastion to maintain vigilant watch over its environment, ensuring that no threat goes unnoticed and that appropriate defensive measures can be swiftly enacted. The Bastion incorporates a sophisticated communications system designed to facilitate seamless coordination and rapid response capabilities across various operational scenarios. At the heart of this system is a centralized network hub that serves as the focal point for relaying critical information to Night Guard personnel, robotic forces deployed in the field, and allied forces operating in collaboration with the Mining Guild.

Central to its functionality are high-frequency signal capabilities, which enable the Bastion to transmit and receive data swiftly over long distances. This capability is essential for ensuring that responses to emergent threats or operational needs can be executed with minimal delay, maintaining a high level of situational awareness and operational efficiency.

To ensure robustness and continuity of communications, the Bastion is equipped with a backup communication system. This redundancy feature allows it to switch seamlessly between primary and secondary communication channels in case of signal interference, network congestion, or other disruptions. This redundancy ensures that critical communications are maintained even under adverse conditions, enhancing the reliability of the Bastion's operational capabilities.

Security of communications is paramount in sensitive operational environments. The Bastion employs encrypted real-time data transmission and alert systems to safeguard sensitive information and ensure secure communication channels. This encryption technology prevents unauthorized access and ensures that communications remain confidential and tamper-proof, mitigating the risk of interception or data breaches.

In a symbiotic relationship with other AI communications systems utilized by the Mining Guild, the Bastion can integrate seamlessly. This integration allows for enhanced interoperability and information sharing between different AI platforms, facilitating coordinated responses and collaborative efforts across diverse operational theaters. By leveraging shared resources and capabilities, the Bastion enhances its effectiveness as part of a unified security infrastructure, optimizing overall operational outcomes and bolstering the Mining Guild's ability to respond swiftly and effectively to evolving threats or operational challenges.

Weapon Systems

As a formidable security robot, the Bastion is equipped with an advanced weapons system designed to effectively deter and neutralize threats in diverse operational environments. At the core of its offensive capabilities are dual-mounted automatic turrets, offering versatility through the use of various calibers and ammunition types. These turrets are pivotal in the Bastion's ability to deploy both non-lethal and lethal options, tailoring its response based on the nature and severity of the threat encountered.

For non-lethal engagements, the Bastion can deploy specialized tools such as sonic disruptors and tear gas dispensers. Sonic disruptors emit powerful sound waves capable of disorienting and incapacitating targets without causing permanent harm, making them ideal for crowd control or deterring intruders without lethal force. Tear gas dispensers release non-lethal chemical agents that induce temporary irritation to the eyes and respiratory system, compelling aggressors to withdraw or cease hostile actions.

In situations where lethal force is deemed necessary, the Bastion can leverage its integrated capabilities to connect with other Bastion drones, forming an heavy anti-personnel laser grid. This defensive configuration projects a network of high-energy laser beams capable of swiftly neutralizing threats with precision and effectiveness. The anti-personnel laser grid enhances the Bastion's defensive posture by creating a formidable barrier that targets and incapacitates hostile elements, ensuring swift and decisive action in protecting critical assets and personnel.

The integration of these advanced weapons systems underscores the Bastion's role as a frontline security solution for the Mining Guild's operations. Whether deployed in remote mining facilities, mobile settlements, or asteroid cities, the Bastion stands ready to uphold security protocols with a balanced approach that prioritizes deterrence and defense. Its capability to deploy both non-lethal and lethal options, coupled with its ability to collaborate with other drones for enhanced defensive measures, highlights its adaptability and effectiveness in safeguarding against a spectrum of security threats.

OOC Notes


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energy fire shots