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Humanoid Type: Protector

Protector, the low-ranking patroller units, and their big brother Variants, are the first of the Defender Series as created in 6th year. They are a part of the Night Guard, which is under the Mining Guild’s control.

About the Guardian

The Humanoid-type Protector is the main patrol unit of the Defender Series. These bots are built to mimic human movement and dexterity. Equipped with advanced AI, they can perform a wide range of tasks, from surveillance to direct intervention in security breaches. Their human-like appearance and capabilities make them ideal for situations that require interaction with Organic Beings, maintaining a sense of familiarity and assurance.


In year, the Humanoid Type Protector robots and the “Big Brother” variant in the Special Armored Synthetic Personnel were first conceived by Aeta Kurosaki, the younger sister of Night Guard Supreme Commander Vilkas Kurosaki. Aeta was concerned about the insufficient number of Night Guard personnel. Despite her elder brother's reassurance that recruitment was progressing well thanks to efforts by the Mining Guild, Aeta remained unconvinced. Driven by her concerns, she approached Lady Nyx Pine, the daughter of the late Archduke Jack Pine.

Lady Nyx Pine, a Gynoid and military officer, also served as a Royal representative. Nyx and Aeta had a history of collaboration through the Thinker's Group, a creative team within the Engineering Corps responsible for past technological advancements, including starships and power armors. Leveraging their combined expertise, they embarked on a new project: the creation of the Protector robots.

The Protector would become the first robot types in the Defender Series. These robots were designed to integrate with Orichalcum, the primary AI suite, allowing for seamless control and coordination. The introduction of the Protector marked a significant advancement in robotic defense technology, addressing Aeta's concerns and enhancing the capabilities of the Night Guard.

Continued History

During the design phase, Lady Nyx Pine contributed her expertise in integrated weaponry to the development of the Protector robots. She provided designs for Concealed Assault Turrets, typically integrated into the hip section of the robots or cyborgs, and Concealed Melee Weapons, such as plasma claws embedded in the fingers. Together, Nyx and Aeta Kurosaki designed both lethal and non-lethal options to ensure versatility in various scenarios.

In addition to the humanoid Protector robots, they developed a quadrupedal variant known as the Prowlers. These Prowlers were designed to serve in capacities similar to K9 units in certain police organizations, offering mobility and agility for tasks such as search and rescue, patrol, and crowd control.

Despite these innovations, Nyx and Aeta recognized that these robots might not be sufficient to handle escalated criminal events. This understanding led them to create the “Big Brother” variants of the Protector. These advanced models were equipped with enhanced armor and firepower, making them capable of handling more severe threats and providing a robust line of defense in critical situations. The Big Brother variants ensured that the Night Guard could effectively respond to any level of threat, from routine patrols to high-risk confrontations.


The Protector units have a distinct appearance that sets them apart from other types in the Defender Series. Their design is distinctly humanoid, featuring a pair of arms that end in grasping hands and two legs that end in booted feet. The Protector are characterized by their sleek features and metallic finish, giving them a modern and formidable appearance.

These units are equipped with built-in LED lights, which serve both as illumination and status indicators. The LEDs are typically activated during operations to provide visibility and signal the robot's operational status. However, these lights can be turned off when the robot is deactivated or when it needs to operate stealthily to catch criminals by surprise.

For enhanced protection, the Protector units are fitted with additional armored plating. This armor not only provides defense against physical attacks but also reinforces the robot's structure, making it more resilient in dangerous situations. The faceplate of the Protector is designed with a single optic sensor, giving it a distinctive and somewhat imposing look. This single optic sensor is capable of high-resolution vision, enabling the robot to detect and track targets with precision.

Big Brother variant

Unlike the Protector variants, the Big Brother Type, also known as the Enforcer Type, stands taller at an imposing 9 feet. These variants are integrated into the new Tyr MK1 Power Armor, resulting in an appearance that aligns more closely with the Power Armor than the Guardians. The integration with Tyr MK1 Power Armor equips the Enforcers with extra reinforced armor plating and an exoskeleton-like structure, enhancing their durability and resilience in high-risk situations.

One of the most notable features of the Enforcer Type is their four-arm configuration1). They possess a heavy-duty pair of arms designed for handling substantial weaponry and performing tasks that require significant strength. Additionally, they have a second pair of arms similar to those of the Protector variants, providing versatility and dexterity for various operations. This four-arm design significantly boosts their combat and operational capabilities.

The Enforcers come extensively armed with a range of weapons, ensuring they can handle diverse threats. These weapons include energy cannons, which offer powerful ranged attack options, and plasma claws, which provide devastating melee combat capabilities. This extensive armament makes them formidable opponents in any conflict.

In contrast to the Protector and Power Armor, the Enforcers lack visible heads or optic sensors. This headless design gives them a more intimidating and robotic appearance. Despite the absence of visible sensors, the Enforcers are equipped with advanced sensory systems integrated into their structure, enabling them to perceive and react to their environment with high precision.

The Enforcers are colored in matte black, similar to the Protector variants, giving them a sleek and stealthy look. This coloration not only aids in camouflage during night operations but also adds to their menacing presence on the battlefield. They represent a significant evolution in the Defender Series, combining the advanced features of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor with additional enhancements to create a powerful and versatile unit capable of handling the most challenging security and combat scenarios.

Armored Chassis

The Protector units, serving as basic patrol units, are constructed with a lightweight yet durable metal. This material is carefully chosen to provide adequate protection against common threats, such as basic firearms and weapons typically wielded by criminals who are not supported by a large-scale organization. The Protector units' material offers additional armor plating, which not only defends against physical attacks but also reinforces the robot's structural integrity, making it more resilient in dangerous situations.

This armor also includes advanced defenses against corrosive damage. The Protector units are designed to withstand environmental factors such as rain, preventing rust, and are resistant to acid, ensuring they remain functional and reliable in a variety of conditions.

For the Enforcer units, this level of protection is further enhanced with the inclusion of a cutting-edge super alloy called Ultrite. Ultrite is an advanced alloy composed of equal parts Titanium, Steel, Tungsten, Chromium, and Iridium. This combination of metals results in an alloy that provides exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to a wide range of threats. Ultrite's unique properties make the Enforcer units significantly more robust and capable of withstanding the most intense and organized criminal threats, including those backed on a national scale.

The Protector units are designed to handle basic criminals, providing a reliable first line of defense in routine patrols and standard security operations. In contrast, the Enforcer units are equipped to tackle more sophisticated and organized criminal organizations. Their advanced Ultrite armor, combined with their extensive weaponry and superior design, enables them to engage and neutralize threats that are beyond the capabilities of the Protector units.

This tiered approach to security, with Protector units handling everyday threats and Enforcer units confronting more significant dangers, ensures that the Night Guard can effectively maintain order and safety across a wide range of scenarios. The integration of advanced materials and design principles in both the Protector and Enforcer units highlights the innovative and strategic thinking behind their development, reflecting the commitment to protecting communities from all levels of criminal activity.

Chassis Integrated Systems

Integrated within the Protector, and the Enforcer's chassis are a suite of advanced systems and components that enable seamless operation, enhanced situational awareness, and efficient task execution.

Central Processing Unit

The Protector units are equipped with a sophisticated computation system that serves as their “brain.” This advanced system houses a high-performance AI with advanced decision-making algorithms, enabling the Protectors to perform complex tasks efficiently. The AI is capable of real-time threat assessment and tactical planning, which allows the Protector units to respond promptly and effectively to various situations.

These units are also connected to the primary AI in charge of the settlements and headquarters of the Mining Guild. This connection integrates them with VEIN, the central AI, providing them access to a Dual-Core Quantum Processing Unit (DQPU). The DQPU allows for high-speed data processing and complex decision-making, enhancing the Protector units' operational capabilities. This connection ensures that the Protectors are not only responsive but also continuously updated with the latest intelligence and strategic directives.

In contrast, the Enforcer units are designed to be more independent than the Protector units. While they share some common features, such as advanced computing power, the Enforcers are enhanced with unique capabilities. Similar to the Aegis AI built for the Tyr MK1 Power Armor, the Enforcers are endowed with the accumulated experiences of other Power Armor AIs. This integration boosts their knowledge and experience base, making them exceptionally adept at handling a wide range of scenarios.

The Enforcer units possess extra capabilities that set them apart from the basic Protector units. Their advanced computing power allows them to process vast amounts of data from the armor's sensors, offering real-time strategic advice and threat analysis. This capability ensures that Enforcers can make informed decisions quickly, enhancing their effectiveness in high-stakes situations.

Furthermore, the Enforcer units' independent design means they can operate with greater autonomy. This autonomy is crucial for missions that require quick adaptation to changing circumstances without relying heavily on external command structures. The combination of advanced AI, enhanced computational capabilities, and the integration of experiential knowledge from other AIs makes the Enforcer units highly capable and versatile.

Overall, the Protector and Enforcer units represent different levels of robotic security within the Defender Series. The Protector units serve as reliable and responsive patrol units, connected to a central AI for coordinated operations. Meanwhile, the Enforcer units stand as powerful and independent entities, capable of handling more complex and organized threats with their advanced AI and computing systems. This strategic deployment ensures comprehensive coverage and protection across various threat levels.


The Protectors and the Enforcers are equipped with a capable sensor package, which allows them to perceive their environment and search for threats effectively. They are capable of multi-spectrum vision, enabling them to see through various military spec optics such as infrared, thermal, night vision, and normal vision. This versatility ensures that they can operate in diverse conditions and detect hidden threats.

Additionally, they are equipped with a high-powered zoom function, allowing them to observe distant areas with clarity. This capability is crucial for long-range surveillance and threat detection. They also feature advanced auditory sensors that can detect even the faintest sounds, whether produced by an organic being or another source. This heightened auditory sensitivity enhances their ability to identify and locate potential threats.

Moreover, the sensor package includes chemical and radiation detection capabilities, enabling the units to operate safely in hazardous environments. This comprehensive suite of sensors ensures that both Protectors and Enforcers can maintain high situational awareness and respond appropriately to a wide range of threats and environmental conditions.


The Protector and the Enforcer units are equipped with a sophisticated communications system designed to ensure seamless and secure connectivity. This system enables encrypted multi-band communication, providing secure transmissions that prevent unauthorized access and interception. The encryption protocols ensure that all communications remain confidential and protected from potential cyber threats.

An integral feature of this communication system is the ability to control integrated drones for additional reconnaissance. This capability allows the units to deploy and manage drones, extending their surveillance reach and providing a broader view of the operational environment. The drones can relay real-time information back to the Protector and Enforcer units, enhancing situational awareness and enabling more informed decision-making.

The communications system also supports real-time data sharing with central command and other units. This feature ensures that information gathered by the Protectors and Enforcers is promptly transmitted to the command center, allowing for coordinated responses and strategic planning. Furthermore, this data sharing capability includes a dedicated channel for other units within the Defense Series, facilitating collaboration and information exchange across the entire security force.

Overall, the sophisticated communications system enhances the operational effectiveness of the Protector and Enforcer units, ensuring they can communicate securely, control reconnaissance drones, and share critical data in real-time with central command and other defense units. This integrated approach to communication and data management is crucial for maintaining a cohesive and responsive security network.

Power Systems

The Protector unit is powered by a solar rechargeable battery, providing it with an operational period of up to 48 hours on a full charge. This solar charging capability allows the Protector to recharge its batteries during daylight hours, ensuring that it can remain active and operational in the field for extended periods without needing frequent manual recharging.

In addition to its primary solar power source, the Protector is equipped with redundant power generation systems to ensure continuous operation. One such system leverages kinetic energy harvesting, similar to bioelectricity power generation used in advanced Power Armor. As the Protector moves and goes on patrols, it generates additional power through this system. The motion of its legs and body during walking and other movements is converted into electrical energy, which is then stored in its batteries. This supplementary power source provides an extra layer of reliability, allowing the Prowler to maintain its operational readiness even in environments with limited sunlight.

Enforcer Power Systems

The Enforcer units utilize the power source of the Tyr MK1 Power Armor as part of their power requirements, though primarily as a redundant system. The main power supply comes from Plasma Power Cores, which are strategically located within the chest cavity of each Enforcer unit. These Plasma Power Cores are highly efficient and capable of providing substantial power to all the unit’s systems, ensuring optimal performance during extended operations.

In addition to the Plasma Power Cores, the Enforcers, like the Protector units, are equipped with a solar rechargeable battery. This auxiliary power source allows the Enforcers to operate for up to 48 hours on a full charge, providing them with additional endurance and flexibility in the field. The solar rechargeable battery ensures that the units can continue functioning even if their primary power source is compromised or depleted.

The combination of Plasma Power Cores and solar rechargeable batteries ensures that the Enforcer units have a reliable and sustainable power supply. The Plasma Power Cores deliver the necessary energy for high-demand operations, while the solar rechargeable battery offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective backup solution. This dual-power system enhances the operational longevity and reliability of the Enforcer units, making them well-suited for a wide range of missions and environments.


Like the quadrupedal Prowlers, the Protector units are designed to achieve a speed of 30 km/h and have a range of 200 km. This design decision ensures that the Protectors and Prowlers are equal in terms of speed and range, providing a consistent level of performance for patrol and reconnaissance duties. The Protectors also have a specified limit on their jump height to maintain operational safety and efficiency.

Enforcer Movement

In contrast, the Enforcer units are significantly faster, thanks to the advanced systems integrated from the Tyr MK1 Power Armor. The Enforcers can reach speeds of up to 70 mph (113 km/h), and they can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph (0 to 97 km/h) in approximately 3 seconds. This rapid acceleration and high top speed make the Enforcers highly effective for rapid response and high-intensity scenarios.

Additionally, the Enforcers have superior jump capabilities, allowing them to exceed the jump height limits of the Protector units. Unlike the Protectors, the Enforcers are capable of flight. In hovering mode, the Enforcers can achieve a maximum speed of 50 mph (80 km/h), providing versatile maneuverability for close-range engagements and urban environments.

When flying within an atmosphere, the Enforcers can reach speeds of up to 300 mph (483 km/h), making them highly effective for rapid deployment and high-speed pursuits. In space, the Tyr MK1 Power Armor allows the Enforcers to maneuver alongside starships and space stations, reaching sublight speeds of up to 0.1c (10% of the speed of light). This capability ensures that the Enforcers can operate effectively in both terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments, providing a versatile and powerful asset for a wide range of missions.

The performance characteristics of the Protector and Enforcer units highlight their distinct roles within the Defender Series. The Protectors, with their balanced speed and range, are ideal for routine patrols and standard security operations, while the Enforcers, with their enhanced speed, acceleration, and flight capabilities, are designed for high-stakes, rapid response scenarios.

Emergency movement

In the case of emergencies where the Protector units encounter forces beyond their capabilities, they have a built-in contingency plan for calling for assistance. Upon initiating the distress signal, the Protector units are swiftly teleported to safety, ensuring their preservation and minimizing risk. In their absence, the Enforcer Units seamlessly take their place, swiftly deploying to confront and neutralize the threat with their enhanced capabilities and firepower. This rapid deployment and strategic substitution mechanism ensure continuity in security operations, allowing for a swift and effective response to escalating situations.

Weapons Systems

As a security robot, the Protector is equipped with an advanced weapons array system designed to handle a variety of threats with both lethal and non-lethal options. This array enhances its effectiveness in maintaining security and enforcing the law while allowing for appropriate responses to different situations.

The Protector's optics, which enable it to see, also function as a weapon (at Tier 5). These optics can emit a focused laser beam, capable of precise targeting and engagement at various distances. This dual functionality ensures that the Protector can identify and neutralize threats with accuracy.

The Protector's fingers are equipped with retractable plasma claws, providing it with formidable melee combat capabilities. These claws can be extended when needed for close-quarters combat, delivering high-energy plasma strikes to disable or destroy targets.

Additionally, the Protector's arms are mounted with energy blasters. These blasters offer a versatile and powerful ranged attack option, allowing the Protector to engage multiple targets effectively. The energy blasters can fire high-energy projectiles, capable of penetrating armor and other defenses.

The legs of the Protector are equipped with kinetic weapons, further diversifying its arsenal. These kinetic weapons can deliver powerful physical strikes, enhancing the Protector's ability to incapacitate or neutralize threats using sheer force.

For situations where non-lethal force is required, the Protector is also equipped with tasers and stun grenades. The tasers provide an effective means of subduing suspects without causing permanent harm, while the stun grenades can incapacitate groups of individuals with a burst of concussive force and disorienting light.

Enforcer Weapons

The Enforcer units are equipped with a formidable weapons array, similar to the Protector units, but with a distinct focus on lethal options. Lacking non-lethal capabilities, the Enforcers are designed for high-intensity combat scenarios where maximum firepower and lethality are paramount.

Integrated with the Tyr MK1 Power Armor, the Enforcers have access to additional advanced weaponry. Each limb of the Enforcer terminates in a double-barrel configuration, inspired by the New Dusk Conclave’s renowned Cerberus Cannons. These integrated firearms are a significant upgrade, utilizing an energy beam powered by a Plasma-Ion hybrid energy source. This advanced energy system combines the high temperature and destructive capability of plasma with the speed and precision of ion technology.

The Plasma-Ion hybrid energy source allows the Enforcer's weapons to deliver devastating firepower with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. The plasma component provides a high-temperature energy beam capable of melting through armor and other defenses, while the ion technology ensures rapid and precise targeting. This combination results in a highly potent weapon system that can neutralize threats quickly and effectively.

Each double-barrel configuration on the Enforcer's limbs can fire high-energy beams in rapid succession, making it capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously. The advanced targeting systems integrated into the Enforcer units ensure that each shot is accurately directed, maximizing the effectiveness of their attacks.


The Humanoid Type Patrol units consist of two distinct types: the Protectors, designed as basic patrol units capable of handling low-level criminals, and the “big brother” units known as the Enforcer Units, intended for tackling higher-level organized crime.

Enforcer Variant

The Enforcer Variant of the Protector robots is a highly specialized and heavily armored version designed to operate in the most dangerous and demanding environments. Built into the formidable Tyr MK1 Power Armor, the Enforcer Variant is equipped to handle high-level threats, including those posed by well-organized criminal organizations and insurgent groups.

Enhanced Armor and Protection

The Tyr MK1 Power Armor provides the Enforcer with superior protection against ballistic, explosive, and energy-based attacks. Reinforced plating and advanced materials ensure durability and resilience in the face of heavy firepower.

Tactical AI Integration

The Enforcer's AI is optimized for tactical decision-making and real-time strategy. It can analyze complex situations, identify threats, and coordinate with other units and human operatives to execute precise and effective interventions.

Role and Application

The Enforcer Variant is deployed in situations that require a heavy-duty, tactical approach. This includes counter-terrorism operations, high-risk arrests, urban combat, and the protection of high-value targets. Its design and capabilities make it an indispensable asset for The Night Guard, providing unmatched support and firepower in critical situations. By incorporating the Enforcer Variant into the Protector Series, The Night Guard ensures that they have a versatile and robust option for handling the most challenging security threats, further solidifying their role as the premier protectors of the Mining Guild's interests.

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like the Power armor