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Xander Malgroff

A young male with a slim and tall frame, green hairs and pale skin. His light blue eyes accentuate his sly look. Overall, Xander is a very calm and calculated person, but he has never excelled in the program despite his power of self presence nullification could be very useful in the Augur Program. Most probably he has some reluctance on the whole thing being forced into him, but this could be only assumptions based on his capabilities, infact his intelligence is well evident when it comes to mathematics and problem solving, subjects on which Xander shines brighter than most. He has lost his parents during the “War for the Heavens”, and he still doesn't know what happened to his brother which probably is in one of the lost colony ships.

Species Human
Nation @@Nation@@
Age 17
Height 6'1''
Weight 143 punds
Eye Color Light Blue
Hair Color Green


Borned in the city of Babel, he lived with his family and his older brother in a very joyful environment. As he grew up he showed a remarkable ability in learning and studying, to the level of few other kids within the nation. Such allowed him to be selected for more advanced tutoring, a bright future was paving itself infront of him. His brother on the other hand wasn't as skilled as Xander, though he was very dutyful and kept the house in check during the long times of absence of their parents, becoming a second father figure for the young Xander.

Despite both his parents were serving in the security guards and had to face the challenges of the world war, keeping normality within the family was a must for them. Unfortunatly they both died during the battle for the departure of the last colony ship, their heroic sacrifice as the ones of many others allowed the vessel to escape from the planet. Or at least that was what the officers told him as he woke up from chryostasis on a ship that went into space way before such battle. This was a trauma for him, as the last words he heard from them were promises to meet again and finally live in peace together in their new home.

The second shock arrived just right after, as he learned that his brother was infact inside that last ship and it didn't arrived yet. Xander well knew the implications of those affermations, it could pass years if not decades before he can see him again.

Doubts and inner sufference dulled the desires and ambitions of Xander, even more when he realized of the Augur Program, and his role within it as a living experiment. He became more silent, more reflective and in truth more isolated and distant towards the other youngs and the scientists.


A young male with a slim and tall frame, green hairs and pale skin. His light blue eyes accentuate his sly look. Goodlooking overall. He never showed great achievements in physical activities, and even if he had some abilities in them, they were outshined by his greater successes in study. Though, he is a good runner and his steps are very light.


Xander is a calm and reflective person, he never try to show off, or at least not anymore. He face problems with cold efficiency and probably such behaviour is what most reflect what he feels, most probably his calm manners towards everyone are just a way to hide the rude coldness he can only give in his current state. Surely this is all fruit of all the hard blows his young soul has suffered in a very short span.

But he wasn't always like this, before the awakening Xander was a very cheerful, happy and friendly kid, even arrogant and sassy sometimes when dealing in arguments he studied profusely.

