====== Ereshkigal Solar System ====== The //Ereshkigal Solar System// is a system of planets that lies on the edge of the [[locations:achlys_nebula|]] and before [[locations:hadals_chasm|]]. It is the home-system of the [[shards:bts]] and is currently not in dispute with any other [[:nation|Nations]] and held entirely by the Remnant Conglomerate. | {{ :locations:ereshkigal:ereshkigal_solar_system.png?800 |}} || | **Overview** || | Location | [[locations:medusa_subsector|]] | | **General Characteristics** || | Sun: | Red Dwarf | | Planets: | Seven | | Key Details | Two habitable planets, only one colonized | ;;# ---- ;;# ~~TOC_HERE~~ ===== Locations ===== ==== Henna ==== The sole sun in the system, Henna is a red-dwarf. It is a low mass, low-pressure star with a low fusion rate that generates just enough heat to scorch the nearest planet in the system; Parysatis, and boil its ammonia-rich atmosphere, while leaving the next planet in line; Cantarella just hot enough to make it mineral-rich. Ereshkigal is the third planet in the system beyond Henna and is in the closest to a //goldilocks// zone for habitable life from the sun. ==== Parysatis ==== Parysatis is a roiling ball of near-boiling ammonia in its atmosphere. The temperatures reach on average 400-Celcius and supports no life on its surface. The planet is rich in moderately rare volatile isotopes of lighter elements with critical applications in fuel production and other advanced industrial processes. ==== Cantarella ==== Cantarella is the second planet in the system and is an arid and desert-like terrestrial world with an atmosphere too thin to breathe and a moderately unliveable surface temperature due to its proximity to the sun. The planet is rich in heavy minerals andelements, including common actinides and other, heavier minerals. === Gorgon Spire === Gorgon Spire is a sub-capital((up to cruiser-class)) shipyard positioned in orbit above Cantarella in high orbit. The shipyard takes advantage of the high heat from the sun and the abundance on minerals to power a mega-forge capable of forging heavy cruiser-grade titanium plates of armor and uses the solar-power from the sun to power incredible assemblers and autoforges capable of manufacturing several cruiser-grade ships a year or at least a dozen frigates per year. ==== Ereshkigal ==== //See [[locations:ereshkigal|]]//. === Firefall Station === Firefall Station is orbital headquarters for [[nation:bts:bamf|]] and houses the //Lord Admirals Council// and is the strategic center for all BAMF operations in the entirety of the Remnant Conglomerate. ==== Clotho ==== Clotho is a terrestrial world just past Ereshkigal and right before the systems asteroid belt. It has a thin atmosphere and low-tempetures and is constantly bombarded by asteroids; Making it a very mineral abundant resource in system. === Medusa Rock === Medusa Rock is the second shipyard in the system and is primarily run by the //Colonial Guard//. The shipyard is capable of manufacturing sub-capital grade ships such as cruisers, frigates, corvettes, etc. But is much less efficient than Gorgon Spire, and runs at roughly half the capacity. It primarily operates to offset the larger production of Goron Spire and to manufacture civilian-grade starship hulls, unfinished starship hulls to mothball for later assembly, and as a repair and shipbreaking yard. ==== Asteroid Belt ==== The asteroid belt spans a massive ring around the four innermost planets of the system and acts as a natural shield to invasion; But also limits travel in and out of the core of the system. It is made of mostly nickel-iron-laden asteroids but also ice, thorium, cobalt, coke, and other sparse but abundant resources. === Lone Rock === Lone Rock is a city-sized asteroid that was once the home of a mining operation of the Remnant Conglomerate before it drifted too-far into the asteroid belt and became untenable. The asteroid has since migrated to the other side and remains there and is the secret base of operations for [[nation:bts:chaos|CHAOS]]; The terrorist organization led by rouge [[bts:augur|AUGURs]]. For more information see [[locations:ereshkigal_solar_system:lone_rock|]] ==== Cem ==== Cem is the largest planet in the system and is a dwarf gas giant. ==== Lachesis ==== Lachesis is a rare jungle world outside of the goldilocks zone of colonization and is only made possible due to its terrifyingly close proximity to its neighbor; Chronos. The heat from the larger planet keeps it hot and humid and helped form a carbon-dioxide rich atmosphere and grow incredible flora and fauna and a very humid but liveable planet if a bit dangerous from invasive plant life. The planet itself is kept in a perpetual state of survival as the gravity from Chronos threatens to collide the two planets together while the gravitic pull from Cem keeps it just taught enough to remain in its precarious position. Chronos is so close to Lachesis that the neighboring planet can sometimes take up the entire sky of the smaller jungle world some nights as a bright zig-zag of lava trenches on the planet give the smaller world a very odd and unsettling set of night hours. Once in a while lava gouts from volcanos on Chrnos actually reach Lachesis and set entire parts of the planet on fire for which is grows back staggeringly fast. ==== Chronos ==== Chronos is a sizeable pyroclastic world of nothing but lava, lakes of molten metal, and carbon. It is hypothetically the most mineral-rich mass in the system but is unmineable. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2022/02/07 17:06. ==== Usage ==== This content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[:rules#content_submissions|submission and usage rules.]] * This location can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc). * In the event that location's creator is no longer available, ...