====== Synthetic Skeleton And Chassis ====== This page details the inner workings of certain Synthetics (Androids and Gynoids)) ===== Skeleton ===== The Skeletal structure of a Synthetic’s body was constructed in separate pieces out of durable alloys, like [[wp>steel]], [[wp>titanum]] [[materials:ultrite]] as well as Aegium. Certain technical parts could be made out of materials like Burial Steel created by the [[species:senti]]. Before the Skull is sealed up, a [[synthetic:part:positronic_brain]] Is inserted and attached to the body inside, followed by Sensors like Optics, and the sensors in the mouth. After this, there is an overlay of an extra metal that seals the seams. In some, the overlay is made out of outright making the Synthetic a heavy-duty machine, while some, such as Nyx Pine, would have an Aegium overlay. The skeleton itself was made to look identical to that of a human’s Skeleton with the gender being specific to the Synthetic themselves. ===== Head ===== The Head is in the shape of an average human of adolescent age. Gender can cause an effect on the face. ==== Material === The Head of a Synthetic is usually composed of the same material as the skeleton. Usually, the Material is what would be useful to them. For combat Synthetics, there should be traces of [[materials:ultrite]] in the Skeleton to allow some durability as well a movement, and Aegium both allows for heat resistance and durability. === Hair === The hair covering the head of an Android/Gynoid Species of Synthetic was a synthetic polymer blend that is composed of base materials that have the same texture, feel, and a look of clean washed hair. At the microscopic level, some nanites work to make repairs if the hair gets damaged ((This would look like the hair is regenerating)). In addition, the hair can be easily changed at will via these nanites. The hair can also harden to create a helmet-like effect for extra protection. === Covering === To make certain Synthetics less intimidating to certain organics, some Synthetics chose to cover their metallic body with a Synthetic flesh mix to hide some of the metal of their body. Unfortunately, there are steam lines where the head and this false skin were attached to the Torso. this forces some Synthetics to also use an Organic body due to the technical skills where the NDC can put an AI in an organic body. === Sensors === The Sensors in the head are primarily the [[synthetic:part:synthetic_sensor_package|Optic Sensor]] to allow for the Synthetic to view their world around them. In addition to the visual sensors, there were Audio Receptors to hear their world and the taste sensors. ==== Special Features ==== Certain Synthetics, such as Nyx Pine, had ears similar to those of Foxes or Canines. The Audio receptors would be in that, and the outer side of the ears would be of a softer touch like those of human ears. The ears were attached to a small sphere-shaped attachment, which allows her ears to swivel in a half-circle turn at will should she need to turn her ears in a different direction. ===== Arms ===== Arms are tools used in allowing the hands to reach high places, and to be shown in muscle contests. As mechanical beings, a Cybernetic arm will likely be made for them. ==== Material === Synthetic is usually composed of the same material as the skeleton. Usually, the Material is what would be useful to them. For combat Synthetics, there should be traces of [[materials:ultrite]] in the Skeleton to allow some durability as well a movement, and Aegium both allows for heat resistance and durability. Extra material allows for resistance to blunt and impact attacks and, to a minor degree, it also resists some ballistics. === Muscle === The Muscle in the arms was composed of [[materials:ultrite]] based nanotubes, which were replicated in the form of human muscles. In addition to enhancements added via Power Armor. This allows an above-human strength that might be on par with those born on a heavy gravity world. === Covering === A Synthetic flesh mix to hide some of the metal of their body. Unfortunately, there are seam lines where The arms and this false skin were attached to the Torso. ==== Hands ==== Androids and Gynoids are robots/Synthetics that were built in the image of a member of their race. Some species have 5 fingers while some have three. When built, the fingers of a Synthetic, at least those in the NDC are constructed with fingerprints attached to the special Synth skin that also allows them to activate doors and things that require fingerprints and be able to use things like electronic pads that need a biological touch. Synthetic can also lock fingers into position so they do not accidentally let go if the occasion demands. === Sensors === Much like the rest of the sensors they have [[synthetic:part:synthetic_sensor_package|Touch Sensors]] that allow them to perceive their world with a sense of touch. ==== Special Features ==== For combat Synthetics, it is possible for them to be able to produce [[synthetic:weapon:plasma_claws|Plasma Claws]] from their fingers and use them in battle if their other weapons are depleted. ===== Chassis ===== The Chassis is the Body of the Synthetic everything except the head, arms, and legs. ==== Material === Synthetic is usually composed of the same material as the skeleton. Usually, the Material is what would be useful to them. For combat Synthetics, there should be traces of [[materials:ultrite]] in the Skeleton to allow some durability as well a movement, and Aegium both allows for heat resistance and durability. === Covering === The Chasis like the head, arms, and legs are covered in a Synthetic flesh mix to hide some of the metal of their body. Unfortunately, there are seam lines where the various body parts are attached to the Chassis. === Interior === Within the Torso cavity of a Synthetic, the Synthetic’s Power Core is located. It was placed here, due to the higher amount of materials that made up the body. The Power Core is followed by a Coolant system that keeps the insides of the body from overheating and at an optimal temperature to function. Next organs in the body would depend on the Synthetic, some may have special digestive organs some may not. If the Synthetic has one, then the [[synthetic:part:flight_matrix]] has electronic parts inside here to allow it to work. === Exterior === Male Synthetics have a standard amount of materials covering their Chassis, but female Synthetics, have extra materials in the form of breasts made out of composite materials, including base material makeup and [[material:ironleather]] for extra protection. If the Synthetic was built with one, then they will be able to use the [[synthetic:part:flight_matrix]] in order to fly. This has a visual effect at the back at the shoulders. ===== Legs ===== The legs of a Synthetic work under the same principle as the arms. Due to the legs’ importance in maintaining the person’s balance, there is a need for calibration. It is the legs that allow a person to walk, kick to stomp or swim. ==== Material === Synthetic is usually composed of the same material as the skeleton. Usually, the Material is what would be useful to them. For combat Synthetics, there should be traces of [[materials:ultrite]] in the Skeleton to allow some durability as well a movement, and Aegium both allows for heat resistance and durability. === Covering === The Legs like the rest are covered in a Synthetic flesh mix to hide some of the metal of their body. Unfortunately, there are seam lines where the various body parts are attached to the Chassis. === Interior === The Interior of a Synthetics leg would normally reveal the “muscles” that allow the Synthetic to kick and walk, but for certain combat Synthetics, [[synthetic:weapon:12.7x50mm_concealed_assault_turret]] would likely be seen as these are hidden in there. Though the guns are more in the thighs, then lower down in the legs. === Exterior === For combat Androids, and Gynoids, the weapon opens up at the thighs to allow the concealed cannons to be fired. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:charaa]] created this on 2021/11/27 10:57. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]