====== Halcanism ====== | {{faith symbol}} || | **Overview** || | Notable Populations | [[locations:viliva_37:gatalia:urclien:divion]] | | **General Characteristics** || | Philosophies | ie, "One Pirate Cove \\ Two Scuba Divers \\ One Bubble Rock" | | Virtures | ie, "One Pirate Cove \\ Two Scuba Divers \\ One Bubble Rock" | | Sins | ie, "One Pirate Cove \\ Two Scuba Divers \\ One Bubble Rock" | ;;# ---- ;;# ~~TOC_HERE~~ Page content here. ===== Beliefs ===== Required. What do followers of this religion believe? ==== Virtues and Sins ==== Required. What does the religion respect and forbid? Are there taboos within the religion? ==== Celestial Bodies ==== Optional. Do they have any beliefs or myths surrounding celestial bodies? ==== Creation ==== Optional. How do they believe the world came to be? Is it important to them? ==== Death ==== Optional. What do they believe happens when you die? ==== Sacred Entities ==== Optional. Includes artifacts, animals, and holy lands. ===== Rituals ===== Required. What rituals does the religion mandate? ==== Daily ==== Optional. How does the religion influence daily routine? ==== Courtship ==== Optional. Are there rules for courting others within this religion? Are there sexual or marital taboos? ==== Burial ==== Required. How does the religion pay tribute to its dead? ==== Holidays ==== Optional. Does the religion mandate any holidays? ===== Symbology ===== Required. What symbols are sacred or important to followers? Is there a symbol associated with the religion? ===== History ===== Optional. Example of a sub-category. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:p0rcelain]] created this on 2023/08/20 18:54. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]