====== Sunrunner Model 1 S ====== The Sunrunner Model 1s/Model I is a 50ft or 15 meters tall Single Pilot Mecha, Designed for General purpous Armored combat and infantry fighting. With a focus on Battlefield endurance the only real limitation placed upon this mecha is its lack of defensive capabilities to aircraft. {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:republic_mech.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:republic_mech_2.png?200|}} ===== history ===== The Sunrunner Model I is one of the first mechs utilized by the republic in the early days of its rule. a general purpose Mech to hold up to a decent amount of punishment while providing the mobility of infantry the durability of a main battle tank and the firepower of a aerospace fighter craft. Compared to its successors its a outdated machine still requiring a multitude of cockpit controls for its various systems and lower armor firepower by comparison however what it lacks in comparison to the later models it makes up for in Battlefield endurance. with a multitude of redundant systems to fall back on it something break and a multitude of defensive systems albeit manually controlled allowing the pilot to keep up the fight despite the odds. further more the ease of Learning how to operate and piloting the Sunrunner model I is relatively easy allowing for semi green forces with experience in combat vehicles and or aircraft to be able to get into a pilot cockpit and with a small amount of additional training be able to use the Sunrunner model I ===== Systems ===== ** Sensors:** As stated before the Sunrunners focus was on battlefield endurance. as such it has a wide range of sensors that do the same job in case one gets wiped out you can use one of the others to compensate. these sensors include. Cameras, Radar, Lidar and Sonar. {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:cockpit_controls_left.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:cockpit_controls_right.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:cockpit_screens.png?200|}} **Power plant:** the Sunrunner uses a mixture of mini nuclear reactors and a backup power reserve that runs on solar panels built into the head of the mech. allowing for both decent output of power for mobility and speed, and with the armerments all being omni designed this frees up power systems to focus on other systems. **Defensive systems:** The Defensive Systems of the sunrunner are rather lacking but some defenses they do have are things like Manual Chaff granade launchers and a angled forearm shield made of the same material as the plating on the mecha itself which is comprised of carbon steel with composite metal structural supports. this eases repair cost and maintenance while also being "good enough" for the older model of mech. ===== Armerment ===== The armaments' of the Sunrunner utilizes a weapon for each engagement range approached. === Cased plasma rifle === The cased plasma rifle is a upscaled Infantry plasma rifle fireing cased packets of plasma designed for anti armor engagements and anti mech combat. the rifle in question has a magazine capacity of 50 shots and has a total of two extra mags located on the waist on the mech magnetically secured to the torso. Unfortunate to reduce heat output and improve accuracy for the pilot the weapon is semi auto however the damage output should make up for that. {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:rifle_1.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:rifle_2.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:rifle_3.png?200|}} {{:shards:frh:republic_military:mechs:rifle_4.png?200|}} === anti armor thermal Axe === As the name suggests the AAT Axe is ment for close quarter fighting. when not in use the AAT axe is stored in the sheild facing the mech and being heated by a section of Solor panels connected to the sheild allowing the edge of the axe to become superheated allowing to assist the force and weight of the weapon to cut deep into enemy armor and cause damage to enemy mechs. === 3 ton Magnetic Granade === The 3 Ton magnetic granade of the Sunrunner is stored in the sheild near the AAT axe for ease of access. Sunrunners arnt given more than one per engagment due to safty reasons. However the reason for arming a Sunrunner with said weapon is much like a normal granade for infantry combat It can prove useful at taking out groups of mechs or large groups of armored vehicals supported by infantry. As well as in a pinch it could be used to cause Moderate damage to low flying transports or Dropships if needed. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:shadowwalker]] created this on 2023/06/23 19:47. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]