====== @!!PAGE@ ======
| {{ :nation:blank_flag.png |}} ||
^ **Nation Info** ^^
^ Motto | ie, "In God We Trust" |
^ Anthem | ie, "The Star-Spangled Banner" |
| {{ :nation:maplocation_unknown.png |}} ||
^ **Home System** ^^
^ Capital | ie, "Washington, DC" |
^ Official Language | ie, "English" |
^ Species | ie, "Humans" |
^ Government | ie, "Republic" (( authors - useful info can be found here: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Government )) |
^ Strengths | Two major areas that the Nation excels at. Should be relatively specific. |
^ Weaknesses | Two major areas that the Nation struggles with. Should be relatively specific. |
Work In Progress
Elevator pitch of the Nation. Two easily-readable paragraphs, tops. All of the below sections are optional, but please include what makes sense. Concise is fine.
===== History =====
Information about the history of your Nation. Where did it come from? What are some of its important events?
===== Demographics =====
Population, language, religion, health, education, etc.
==== Population ====
Optional. Who lives here? Approximately how many? In what ways do they interact?
==== Language ====
Optional. What languages are commonly spoken here? How does that impact the Nation?
==== Religion ====
Optional. Are the people of this Nation religious? If so, to what extent does it impact the Nation and the daily lives of its people?
==== Health ====
Optional. If someone is hurt or sick, how is that handled in this Nation?
==== Education ====
Optional. Are the people of this Nation educated? If so, to what extent and where? If not, why?
===== Government and Politics =====
How does the nation run? If you're not sure, this can be a good start: https://thebestschools.org/magazine/common-forms-of-government-study-starters/
===== Economy =====
What drives the markets in the nation?
===== Culture =====
Literature, food, music, art, and more.
==== Literature ====
Optional. Are there any prominent writers or thinkers in this Nation? If so, who and what are they known for?
==== Food ====
Optional. What kinds of meals are common here? For characters RPing their daily lives, some ideas for the types of food they eat can be a big help.
==== Music ====
Optional. What kinds of music do the people in this Nation listen to? Are there any famous songs or musical artists?
==== Art ====
Optional. What role does Art play in this Nation? Are there famous works of art? If so, what are they and where?
===== Threat =====
Optional. Is this Nation antagonistic or peaceful? What is their attitude towards other Nations?
===== Strengths and Weaknesses =====
Information about the Nation's strengths and weaknesses. It should be clear how these impact the stories told involving the Nation.
===== OOC =====
* **Player** [[user:@USER@]] created this on @DATE@.
==== Usage ====
This content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[:rules#content_submissions|submission and usage rules.]]
* This Nation can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc).
* In the event that the Nation's managers are no longer available, (the faction becomes an NPC faction managed by the admins/the faction departs or becomes isolated, withdrawing into its home system, etc).