====== Tremerine Union ====== Work In Progress The Tremerine union is a federal union of hundreds of local governments representing settlements throughout Tremerian space, with its origin on the planet Tremerine. Its population is composed almost entirely of [[species:tremerian|Tremerians]]. The Union's origins are on the ocean world of [[location:tremerine|Tremerine]], where it began as an assembly of the leaders of the planet's multitude of tiny island nations, and served the purpose of coordinating humanitarian efforts and scientific development. As the Tremerian species expanded into space, it gradually took on the role of a central governing body for the entire species. People of the Tremerine Union highly value independence and commerce just as they have for centuries, with the Union itself exerting little control over the everyday lives of citizens, and their sleek warships harken back to their oceanic origins as they protect Tremerian merchants. | {{ flag }} || | **Nation Info** || | Motto | "Together Through All Weather" | | Anthem | Calm and Storm | | {{map-excerpt}} || | **Home System** || | Capital | Bayon-Sur-Mer | | Official Language | Tremerian | | Species | Tremerian | | Government | Federal Union | | [[rules:nations#strengths_and_weaknesses|Strengths]] | Starship construction and technology, Trade | | [[rules:nations#strengths_and_weaknesses|Weaknesses]] | Magic usage, Swift governmental action | ===== History ===== The planet Tremerine's inhabitants are not its original natives. Rather, Human colonists arrived by sublight sleeper-ship around 3000 years ago. The colony ship was partially destroyed in the landing after centuries of travel had damaged its systems, and much advanced scientific knowledge was lost with the ship. Soon the planet's natives, aquatic humanoids, took notice and investigated the landing site. Finding the colonists to be peaceable, the natives eventually began trade and showed the colonists how to navigate the complex waterways and shallow seas of the planet, which the colonists had dubbed "Tresmars" after their translation of the native name for the world; "The Three Seas". Over countless generations, the colonists and natives interbred, producing a new hybrid species which is commonly known as the “Modern Tremerian”. The language that they came to Tremerine with changed as well, mixing with the native language. As the colonists themselves found themselves changing to fit their new home, so did their technology. Wheels were increasingly discarded for heavy machinery in favor of walking machines that could better navigate the rocky and mountainous islands of the planet, and boats and seaplanes were the primary methods of transit. Around 400 years ago, the planet began unification, its many tiny island nations coming together to form a worldwide organization that focused on humanitarian efforts and scientific development. Gradually, this body gained more power and became more akin to a single central world government. With the funding of this Tremerine Union backing scientists, the nascent efforts to develop the orbit of the planet bore fruit and the Tremerians developed into a multi-planetary species, colonizing parts of their solar system. Around 100 years ago, the first Tremerian Faster-Than-Light drives began to be built, and they began their exploration of nearby systems. Today, Tremerian merchants ply routes not only from island to island, but from planet to planet and star to star. ===== Demographics ===== ==== Population ==== Currently, the entire population of the Tremerine Union, which sits at around 10 billion, is Tremerian. While Tremerians vary in skin color from whiter tones to dark browns, depending on where their ancestors had settled on the planet, there is no tension to speak of caused by such, due to the historical interchange of populations enabled by the sea. ==== Language ==== Tremerian is the language of the planet Tremerine. In essence, it is extremely corrupted [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occitan_language|Occitan]], with many loan words from the original natives of Tremerine. ==== Religion ==== Officially, Tremerine is a secular nation as no religion had ever been widespread enough for adoption as an official religion. Despite this, the practice of worshiping local deities has been picked up from the natives and retained over the millennia, with many hundreds being worshiped in small pockets. ===== Government and Politics ===== The Tremerian Union is, officially, the federal government of the Tremerine people. While this central government handles international affairs and national-level decisions and lawmaking, governance of the daily lives of the citizenry is almost exclusively managed by local governments. The Union Assembly is the central body of the Union and one of its primary duties is the creation and revision of federal-level laws. There are relatively few, and they mostly address crime, commerce, and the usage of military force. Citizens are randomly selected to be representatives for their home district for a term of two years. One representative, known as the First Representative, is in charge of executing the collective will of the Assembly and serves for a term of one year. This one-year term is always in the second half of the representative's normal two-year term. The First Representative is elected by the Union Assembly. Court cases that are found to be important enough are presented before the Assembly and judged by a jury of randomly selected representatives after being briefed on the legalities of the case. ===== Economy ===== Tremerine's economy is dominated by Trade. While many other industries exist and are profitable, that of trade and transportation between planets and star systems stands above all others. Jobs involving interplanetary and interstellar shipping and trade are both highly respected and profitable. While large shipping and transport companies do exist, the general populace of Tremerine tends to prefer working with smaller "Free Traders", independently operating captains, with the belief that they are more honest and provide better service. ===== Culture ===== Much of Tremerian culture is based off of the sea, travel, and trade. Most folk/traditional stories, as well as antique (pre-spaceflight) literature focuses on the sea in one way or another, often featuring a stranger coming to an island by way of the sea to either cause or solve a problem related to the sea. Oftentimes, this stranger is referred to as a "Free Trader". Tremerians also have a system of honor based upon the lineage of ones business or workplace. Trading companies are often held in the highest regard, but all businesses are judged by the amount of time that they have stayed 'in the family'. A business that has been sold to an outsider is often judged to be lesser. While in ancient times it was not uncommon for duels to be fought over impugned honor, it is now more common for an infraction to be settled with an exchange of clever insults. As one would imagine, the principal foodstuff of the Tremerine palate is seafood, in all its shapes and forms, though they do hold a place in their heart for "Cuissis de Grenolle", a dish predating their arrival on the planet and cooked from one of the animals brought aboard the colony ship in egg form. ===== OOC ===== This page was created by {{user:YOURUSERNAMEHERE}}. ==== Usage ==== This content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]] * This Nation can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc). * In the event that the Nation's managers are no longer available, (the faction becomes an NPC faction managed by the admins/the faction departs or becomes isolated, withdrawing into its home system, etc).