====== Kurosaki Clan ====== The Kurosaki Clan is a family within the [[shards:ndc:]]. ===== About the Clan ===== The Kurosaki Clan is one of the wealthiest families within the NDC as a result of the costs of the metal and gemstones sold to other corps, and military organizations within. Its members also has ties to the Pine, and Oaklen royal families, through the Mining Guild’s royal representative, and it has a relationship with the Motoyoshi Clan and Yugumo Corporation, as well as many other groups and organizations. ^ Kurosaki Clan ^^ ^ Capital | [[locations:sanctuary:sirris_ii:obsidian_city]], [[locations:secunda_major:station_omacron#secunda_city_area|Secunda City]] | ^ Leadership | Vilkas Kurosaki, and [[characters:mg:astrid_kurosaki|]] and on a minor basis [[characters: mg: aeta_kurosaki]] | ^ Government Type | Business leaders, and chartered regional Leaders for [[locations:secunda_major]] | ^ Parent Government | [[shards:NDC:]] | ^ Connections | Firewalker Clan, The Pines | ^ Current Year | now | ^ Currency | [Credit]((In [[shards:UNS]] Business dealings)) [[faction:ndc:currency:duskerian_script]] | ^ Custodians | [[user:charaa]] | ===== Notable History ===== The clan was formed when Kazu Kurosaki rescued Chie from slavers and he took her away from danger. The couple settled on [Hasan] and did some work, and through that, they learned about business. Later on, Vilkas came into the world, and Chie left her work to take care of them, while Kazu became the sole money maker in the family. Kazu also taught his son how to fight, and Vilkas seemed to take to learning how to fight really well growing up, much more to that than business. This worried his parents, that their son would be a violent person, perhaps even a warlord or something. But with the birth of the twins, the boy found a reason to fight, to protect his sister. He proved his protection and courage, when Aeta wandered near a drop bear den when she was 2 months old. Dodging and weaving he grabbed his sister and got her out of there, and once she was saved, he slaughtered the drop bear with a spear and fire. Vilkas continued training with the spear, and graduated to firearms, which his parents got him. His father aided his training making sure he had all the knowledge needed. But then trouble came and they had to leave. The Kurosaki Patriarch and Matriarch sacrificed themselves so that their children could get on an Exodus ship off-world. But the children were separated as Vilkas was forced to be on a different ship. ==== The Twins POV ==== The twins spent time communicating with their brother or continuing their education. Astrid took to business education well. While Aeta favored manual labor and overseeing labor groups. But then they lost contact with their brother as the ship didn’t make it to where they were going. The trip’s length allowed them their time to grieve before they made it to [[locations:sanctuary]]. With Astrid’s business skills, and Aeta’s labor and labor group skills, the twins decided to form a corporation and one to fill a niche that the [[shards:ndc:]] needed, a [[corp:mining_guild:]]. They got the backing from Nyx Pine, a member of the royal family, and with that started looking for places to mine on the planet. Eventually, as the NDC expanded so too did the Mining Guild, in not only locations but personnel too. They began business dealings with the other corps both within the NDC and outside of it, and it was around late [third year] that they were reunited with their brother who had formed a corp of his own, which accepted theirs as a client, so that he could say to protect his sisters again. Desiring to focus on the business and not go out for diplomacy, Astrid hired Alice Sursilvan, to their diplomatic department to perform diplomatic things. ==== Vilkas POV ==== Much like his sisters, he spent time communicating with his sisters, or training, as well as learning from experienced older mercs and combat veterans when the ship lost power to its Hyperdrive. This resulted in the ship dropping out of warp in a dangerous pirate territory. The Pirates invaded and killed some civilians before Vilkas rallied the defenders and fought the pirates and dominated them. As a result of Vilkas’s courage, some have taken to following him, and learning through him. As a result, he began forming his own corp a private security force. He worked very hard, to make the team into a proper force, and eventually through connections his sisters made he discovered their whereabouts and returned to them. He eventually allowed his security force to work as part of the Mining Guild’s security team to protect Mining Guild assets. ===== Ideals ===== The ideals within the Kurosaki clan are Honor, courage, and ethical business, and leadership. They hope to strive to uphold these ideals throughout not only their daily lives but also their work lives. ===== Assets ===== Along with a vast amount of wealth making the clan to be very wealthy in terms of currency, as a result of [[corp:mining_guild:start]] work and business dealings the clan also has control over the following starships, stations, and systems. ==== Starships ==== * [[corp:mining_guild:starships:industrial_shuttle]] * [[corp:mining_guild:starships:personnel_transport]] * [[corp:mining_guild:starships:mobile_refinery]] === Stations === * [[locations:secunda_major:station_omacron]] ==== Systems ==== * [[locations:secunda_major]] ==== Clan pets ==== Using techniques discovered by Spark the clan also has a pet pack roach * 1 PackRoach Excalibur ===== Members ===== Current members of the Kurosaki clan include: ^ Name ^ Position ^ Notes ^ | Vilkas Kurosaki | Clan Patriarch | Oldest Son of Chie and Kazu Kurosaki. | | [[characters:mg:Astrid Kurosaki]] | Clan Matriarch/Business Leader | Second daughter of Chie and Kazu Kurosaki. | | [[characters:mg:Aeta_Kurosaki]] | Clan Member/COO | Third daughter of Chie and Kazu Kurosaki. | ==== Relationships ==== * Firewalker Family * The Pine Family ==== Species ==== The species makeup of the clan is mainly [[species:genemod]] in the twins, and [human] in Vilkas. ==== Politics ==== The Kurosaki Clan abhors politics but has been forced to use it and be rewarded in the ownership of the [[locations:secunda_major]] as a result of its desire, though, it has chosen to appoint a middleman to deal with the political side of its dealings. Alice Sursilvan was chosen as the sisters felt she was the best person for the job. ==== Business ==== Founded at the beginning of [first year], The [[corp:mining_guild:]] is a major corporate entity operating in the [[shards:ndc]]. It serves as one of the main and only suppliers of metal and gemstone materials for the NDC’s use and those outside the nation. Metal is used in building construction, as well as starships manufacturing, both military and civilian. It also serves as the primary manager for [[[locations:secunda_major]] and any other system it's contracted to go to mine the locations for resources from a client. As a result of certain business dealings, the Mining Guild is used as an umbrella to handle its additional subsidiaries as part of its business. Dracrei shipyards were formed by the Engineering Corps to build its ships and warships as needed, Night Guard protects its mining sites and settlements from harm. Vale Initiative was created and backed by the Mining Guild for water production. ==== Culture ==== The Kurosaki clan is Hasan based, and there's a mix of a culture clash within the clan as a result, but also some of the developing culture of the NDC as well. They are well versed in Hasan behavior and customs. ==== Territory ==== the Kurosaki clan is based in [[locations:sanctuary]] and lives in the capital city there, but as a result of its Mining Guild, it also holds control over [[locations:secunda_major]] ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:charaa]] created this on 2024/05/14 22:18. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]