====== BAMF 'Basilisk' VTOL Gunship ====== |{{:nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:bamfbasilisk_2_.png?400|}}|| ^ **Vessel Overview** ^^ ^ Nation | [[shards:bts]] | ^ Manufacturer | BTS | ^ **General Characteristics** ^^ ^ Class | Light | ^ Role | CAS | ^ Complement | One pilot, One gunner | ^ Armament | One rotary, 108 rocket, 8 missile. | ;;# ---- ;;# ~~TOC_HERE~~ The //Basilisk// VTOL gunship is a deadly and well armed VTOL aircraft used by the [[nation:bts:bamf|]]. Used as a gunship and attack craft for BAMF. The Basilisk is a ground attack aircraft capable of limited atmospheric flight from orbit to the ground and can land almost anywhere on a planet without difficulty, But lacks the capability to fly from ground to orbit. The Basilisk is significantly slower than a fighter or typical aircraft but is faster than most helicopters or similar craft. ===== Appearance ===== {{:nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:bamfbasilisk_1_.png?500|}} ==== Interior ==== The interior of the basilisk holds only two occupants; One seat for a pilot in the cockpit and a gunner in a seat below and in front of them. The pilots' seat has controls to properly maneuver the craft and fire the unguided rockets while the gunners section has controls for the guided weapons, the rotary turret, the spotlight, and the communications and sensors. ===== Systems ===== ==== Power ==== The Basilisk uses a powerful BTS manufactured antigrav powered by an electric generator with limited alternator capabilities that keep the batteries from too quickly depleting their charge. ==== Anti-Grav ==== The Basilisk anti-grav is situated under the floor of the interior of the craft and offers limited flight capabilities. While responsible for lightening the weight of the craft it does not directly manipulate the movement of the vessels. And instead, the craft is moved via a series of jet turbines that suck in oxygen or force through vents on the wings of the craft and propel it forwards or back. When in space a small ion-based thruster takes over propulsion but is powered exclusively by the batteries. ==== Spotlight ==== The Basilisk has a powerful spotlight on the front of its cockpit that can be controlled by the gunner and can illuminate in a cone from up to a kilometer away. ==== EVA Hatch ==== There is a large hatch on the top to back of the cockpit that is airtightly sealed. This hatch allowes either the pilot or gunner to EVA while in space and is seperated by a small airlock tube just large enough for a single person to fit in. The hatch will not open if the interior hatch is open or notlocked. ==== Armor ==== The Basilisk has laminated titanium armor on its exterior with an interior layer of expanding foam to catch shrapnel and keep the craft airtight. It is able to soak up most small arms or medium caliber weapons fire but is subjectively vulnerable to larger weapons, penetrating missiles, laser or energy weapons fire which superheat the titanium and burn through the internal expanding foam layers. The Basilisk has limited EM shielding to protect it from EMP or EM weapons but can not stand up to direct exposure or direct EM waves. ==== Weapons ==== The basilisk is built by design to carry a significant amount of what might be considered an //arsenal//. === 6.5mm Rotary Cannon === A 6.5mm rotary cannon is mounted on a swivel turret under the cockpit and is controlled by the gunner with limited access to rotate and fire while controlling it. With a staggeringly high 5,000 rounds per minute and a range of almost 2km it is able to engage infantry and light vehicles from a safe distance while strafing or using the crafts antigrav to move behind cover such as hills or buildings. === 57mm Unguided Rockets === Under each wing of the basilisk are three pods each containing eighteen unguided 57mm high explosive rockets with an HE-Frag-Penetrating rocket with anti-infantry and light anti-vehicle capabilities that explodes in a concussive explosion of fragmentation shrapnel. With 3km of range and being unguided, the rocket is strictly effective at strafing runs and the craft carries enough of them to signifigantly devestate a battlefield with strafing runs of fragmenting explosives that can cut armored men and light vehicles apart. === 152mm ATGM === The basilisk carries four 152mm Anti Tank Guided Missiles under one of its wings that the gunner can fire and guide directly onto a moving target from their console. With a near 7km range and the ability to guide the missile with controls instead of relying on a missile lock the gunner can guide the missile more intricately at range and not have to worry about heat or laser locks being jammed or failing. The missiles are a HEAT SABOT munition with a wire guidance function. They fly relatively slow compared to some missiles but are not easy to dodge and nearly impossible to jam. === 120mm Missiles === On the opposite wing from the ATGM missiles are six 120mm missiles that rely on a laser target lock. They are faster than the ATGM missiles, can lock on both ground and aircraft, and have a medium payload. They operate on a fire and forget system that does not require the gunner to linger on the target but can be more easily jammed or diverted with countermeassures. ==== Countermeasures ==== The basilisk has four pods on each side of its tail with a number of anti-lock CHAFF flares that help break missile locks on the craft. It likewise has a radar dampening coating on its hull that help break IR locks, and finally internal bays that launch instant-deployment smoke canisters that can surround the craft with a smokescreen or break targetting locks. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2022/03/17 11:36. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]