====== BAMF Vehicles ====== Here is a list of all vehicles both ground, air, sea, and space that is anything other than a starship. ===== Ground ===== Ground vehicles cover everything from mechs to APCs to tanks to simple transports or cars. ==== Light ==== * [[nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:vedette|]] ==== Medium ==== * [[nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:pioneer|]] ==== Mechs ==== ==== Tanks ==== ===== Air ===== Air vehicles cover everything from fighters and bombers be it atmospheric or space capable, shuttles, etc. ==== Shuttles ==== ==== Transports ==== * [[nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:griffin]] ==== VTOL ==== * [[nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:basilisk]] ==== Fighters ==== ==== Bombers ==== ===== Sea ===== With much ocean mass covering its surface BAMF has some seagoing vessels. ==== Ships ==== ==== Submersibles ==== ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2022/03/17 11:27. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]