====== Antagonist Class ====== Work In Progress The BAMF-SX150 '//Rogue Sophist//' class Heavy Frigate is a class of heavy frigate fielded by the [[shards:bts]]'s [[nation:bts:bamf|]] and built at the [[locations:ereshkigal:atlas_shipyards|]]. It is a slower, heavier armored vessel tailored towards endurance and marathon combat and a secondary focus on exploration. ||| ^ **Vessel Overview** ^^ ^ Nation | [[shards:bts]] | ^ Manufacturer | Babel Technology Solutions | ^ **General Characteristics** ^^ ^ Class | Heavy Frigate | ^ Role | Light Fleet Anchor / Exploration | ^ Length | "145m" | ^ Width | "100m" | ^ Complement | 130((100 crew, 30 marines)) | ^ Armament | Heavy| ===== Interior ===== |{{ :nation:bts:bamf:ships:antagonistinterior.png?600 |}}| ===== Weapons/Countermeasures ===== The SX150 holds more weapons than a base BAMF frigate. Sporting three lighter than standard but just as deadly in number 176mm Mass driver turrets, four light-missile launchers each capable of launching upwards of 70 missiles at a time to destroy lighter craft or damage light starships, eight light anti-ship torpedo bays capable of breaking the back of any cruiser, eight .2kt nuclear missiles, numerous secondaries, and even two bays for light craft such as two fighters or bombers or even a couple [[nation:bts:bamf:ships:graygrenn|]]; All leave enough firepower to hold its own all alone or even against larger vessels, making the ship a capable exploration vessel with no need for support or escorts. ^ Weapon ^ Range ^ RPM ^ | 176mm MD | 10km +/- | 60rpm | | Rapid Missile Launchers | 40km +/- | 520rpm | | Nuclear Torpedo | 100km +/- | N/a | | Light Anti-Ship Torpedo | 70km | N/a | | Secondary Weapons | 5km | N/a | The SX150 has room for a small compliment of 30 marines and a few supporting vehicles such as room for one [[nation:bts:bamf:cavalry|light mech]] and two scout mechs, two tanks, or four smaller vehicles such as light or medium infantry vehicles. ===== SX150 Class Ship List ===== Below is a list of all known SX150 class Assault Frigates fielded by BAMF, and their current known status. Please link the ship here if making a page for it, plot page, or etc. * BAMF-SX150 Misophist * BAMF-SX151 Hammer of the Lady * BAMF-SX152 Pallas is Riot †= Lost or destroyed. Ships marked as this may be re-designated in the future as Shipname-II *= Captured, missing in action, etc. Please specify status ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2022/01/13 15:16. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]