====== Bts-90 'Manticore' ====== Work In Progress The BTS-90 is a light mech fielded by [[nation:bts:bamf|]] [[nation:bts:bamf:cavalry|]] and was designed in [[universe:calendar|CG]]-3460 on the //old world// by BTS. The mech fills the role of raider and light cavalry relying on speed and fast firing, hard hitting weapons to skirt the battlefield and harass infantry, light armor, or heavy targets. as of GC-3500 it is still seeing use by BAMF cavalry. | {{ :nation:bts:bamf:mechs:woodback.png?400|}} || ^ **Mech Overview** ^^ ^ Nation | [[shards:bts]] | ^ Manufacturer | BTS | ^ **General Characteristics** ^^ ^ Class | Light| ^ Role | Raider | ^ Height| 5.8m | ^ Weight | 55 tonnes | ===== Appearance ===== {{:nation:bts:bamf:mechs:manticore_sheet.png?800|}} ===== Weapons and Systems ===== The BTS-90 has a wide array of weapons ranging from two 37mm autocannons, a 30mm dual-purpose CIWS cannon, four 76mm guided rockets, and two devastating 180mm ATGM missiles. ^ Weapon ^ Range ^ RPM ^ | x2 37mm AC | 2.5km +/- | 200rpm | | 76mm HEAT | 3km +/- | N/a | | 30mm Chaingun | 1.2km +/- | 700rpm | | 180mm ATGM | 5km +/- | N/a | For armor, the BTS-90 has a mix-match of mostly reinforced titanium plate on its legs, and chassis, but unlike some mechs lachs a propper cockpit in favor of camera-optic-style displays to protect the pilot with little if no delay and above-clarity resolution. The BTS-90 can travel at a sprint up to 50mph mph and has a generous turn radius and hill-climb ability. It houses a single squire or knight for a pilot. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2021/12/17 15:59. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]