====== BAMF Resuply Pods ====== The [[nation:bts:bamf|]] resupply pod is a sealed and air-tight contained capable of being launched from either orbit, dropped by ships or vessels such as the [[nation:bts:bamf:vehicles:griffin|]], or even in some cases fired by specialized artillery. The supply pod has a deployable tower-chute with small antigrav rods that keep the pod on track while numerous single-use thrusters slow its decent enough to embed it in the surface of the planet without damaging it; Even in hard surfaces like rock. When approached by recognized BAMF personnel and reading the ID tags each one carries the pod will deploy propper and allow its contents to be accessed. Each pod can carry a large configuration of materials, weapons, armor, parts, ammunition. grenades etc. And is loaded beforehand. Most often the pod will carry 2-4 spare weapons, enough ammo to resupply 4-6 marines, grenades, spare communications equipment, rations, medical supplies, etc. After being accessed the pod comes apart easily enough if desired, but more often than not can simply be abandoned or scuttled with interior charges if not salvaged by the marines. {{ :nation:bts:bamf:equipment:bamfsupplypod1.png?600 |}} ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2022/03/27 16:40. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]