====== Heims ====== * Homeland: Direth Mountains * Capital City; Heimdall "quote here" ===== Physical appearance ===== The people of the north come built for their homeland, often striking predominantly fair skinned with white, varying shades of blonde or red hair, although brown has been seen. Any eye color has been found, although blue is most common. These people are among the largest on the continent and bear large powerful builds. Men and women often have long hair that is rarely cut, kept back instead with various forms of braids and ties, wrapped in leather and accessorized with feathers, bones, and beads. Most commonly adorning their bodies in heavy furs to keep themselves warm and display rank from the animals that live in their homeland such as moose, elk, ram, reindeer, white fox, arctic hare, pelts, bones or racks from any of them. And they tend to a wield a variety of different weapons including axes, swords, spears and bows, along with heavy shields. Notes​ * Typically fair skinned with light toned hair * Large stocky builds * Blue eyes are most common, although any color is possible * They wear a lot of animal fur & accessories to display status * Have a varying assortment of weapons, including but not limited to axes, swords, spears, bows & heavy shields **Seers**​ * Special individuals that can see the Vaesen creatures and tend to be recognized by their almost glowing & near pupil-less eyes. These individuals are always female. ===== Social Norms ===== * Females being viewed as weak is not an uncommon practice in this male dominated society * Females primarily seen as mothers, healers and spiritual leaders * Gift giving: A common practice among many Heims wolves is that of giving gifts that primarily consist of animal hides, racks, bones or other items. Whether it be to impress or swoon a female or boost the confidence of their children and encourage them to hunt for larger prizes. The bigger the rack, or more rare or fierce the animal the more value the object holds in social standings. * Shape-shifting; Shifting is considered to be a vulnerable state among the guarded Heims people. You will never find the Heims carelessly shifting or being in their wolf forms around town or in public eye and seeing others shifting freely tend to make Heims physically/visibly uncomfortable. Sharing ones shifted form with another is an act of vulnerability, trust and some times intimacy; and it's considered an honor for someone to share it with you. ===== Leadership & social classes ===== (unknown) ===== Religion & Ethics ===== Dwelling within the frozen mountains of the North, the Heim have built their religion on their very real experiences with Vaesan, monsters, and spirits that occupy the night and the dreams of the natives. Though the Vaesan are entities of malevolence and trickery, they find solace in their gods Sköll (God of the Night and Moon) and Hati (Goddess of the Day and Sun). Ritual offerings and burnings are made to Sköll so that he may keep the Vaesan from entering areas containing significant settlements and packs. During times of Winter, offerings are made to Hati so that she may lengthen the hours of the day and remove the frost, as well as offer increased fertility to the wolves of Heim during Spring. Significant Vaesen: (unknown) **Ethics:** Wolves of Heim follow a specific tradition that is strictly adhered to. Though there is flexibility among the various packs, the main monarchy does not allow for rule-bending or rule-breaking and may result in banishment. * Women and children of the Heim are to be protected at all costs, any violence or disrespect towards them will be swiftly punished. * Women are not permitted to be outside of the settlements after nightfall without being accompanied by a male, this is for her own safety as during the night is when the Vaesan are most likely to show themselves. ===== Holidays & Festivals ===== (unknown) ===== Stories & History ===== * Allied with the North Navi & Campis, enemies with the True Navi ===== Relationships & Family dynamics ===== (unknown) ===== Death Practices ===== The Heims are known to burn the bodies of their deceased. They believe that burying the body traps the soul to the earth and attract the attention of the Vaesan. * Mourning: Unknown ===== Symbols & Statues ===== * Two headed raven: coming soon * White stag antlers: Associated around the great beasts of the mountains, the white stag is said to be among the rarest and most beautiful of creatures, while some believe it is bad luck to harm them, others believe they are the ultimate prize that cannot be matched. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:A bibor farkas]] created this on 2021/10/08 17:01. ==== Usage ==== This article's content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]]