====== Spells/Magic ====== A spell of [[magic:ash_magic|]] that temporarily enchants the caster to transmute parts of their body into pure carbon; Allowing matter such as bullets, blades, and other spells to pass harmlessly through their body. * Creator: N/a * Rank: Advanced * School of magic: Ash ===== Overview ===== When cast with the invocation and exertion of will a dark haze will emit from the casters body that leave a black-smoke like afterimage when moving as ash falls from their body. When cast the body will temporarily transmute portions of itself that come into contact with hostile matter such as weapons or ordinance and turn those portions of the body into carbon and allow the matter to pass through it before turning back to flesh. The spell is very taxing and advanced so is not used lightly or frequently by an ash mage due to its high-risk/high-reward nature. ===== Casting===== Ash Armor can be cast by any mage with an affinity for fire and earth magic and who has combined them into ash magic. By giving an exertion of will and chanting an activation invocation or a similar word of power and focussing on a point of contact will activate the spell at the desired location. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:char]] created this on 2021/11/04 14:49. ==== Usage ==== This content adheres to Project Multiverse's [[rules:setting_contribution|submission and usage rules.]] * This location can be used by (anyone/only those with permission/etc). * In the event that location's creator is no longer available, ...