**Metallica Corpus** Metallica Corpus is the formal name given to Egwene, to refer to the cybernetic body she inhabits and all the little toys she has stashed inside it. Because if you are going through all the trouble of making yourself a body and scanning your brain into it, you might as well put fun stuff in it. **About the Metallica Corpus** The Metallica Corpus is a uniquely created cybernetic body that is designed first and foremost to wholly and fully mimic the human form. After that was mastered, she focused on assisting her in scientific and mechanical duties, with a small but notable tilt towards low-key combat situations if the situation really called for it. **Appearance** Metallica Corpus has a human appearance, the usual two arms, two legs. The toes are separated, as are the fingers. The fingers do have fingernails, but these are segmented microblades rather than anything that looks good. The hair is real keratin and is supplemented by a small coating around the scalp to ensure that it acts realistically. The slight increase in effort is well worth welling the illusion. Metallica is essentially - at face value at least - a human body. Sculpted to anatomical perfection, it is incredibly difficult to see it's synthetic nature by sight, and only when you touch it hard enough to go past the 'skin' and feel the metal below can a person know she is a cyborg. While anatomically correct, she has no internal organs, as she has replaced them with mechanical capabilities instead. **Details** Manufacturer: Egwene Tai Class: Full body replacement cyborg Designer: Egwene Tai **Components** The Skeleton: The first, and arguably most important part, Egwene's skeleton keeps everything upright and allows for motion. Created from the same Alloy (including being processed from scrap) as her suit to ensure it's form and capability to protect her innards. Additionally, overlaying the arms are powerful servos that allow for exceptional bursts of strength when lifting is required. Though capable of causing damage in excess of a normal human's fists, they are not a weapon to be relied on anywhere outside of a brawl. Her Power Source is located behind the left breast, and so there is a mound of alloy in front of it to provided increased ablative protection. Having just one was really weird and defeated the purpose of looking normal, so she made another one. Currently, this is empty. But she might fill it in with something later. Repair System: A small Nanogenus machine that is capable of enacting repairs and upkeep on Egwene's cybernetics. The small nanobots are programmed exclusively to create the compound Egwene's body is made out of, dissolve worn parts, and replace them with the new part. It is a slow process, however, acting over a span of several hours, and requires feeding the compound every few weeks. Dramatic damage will require it to be filled up much sooner, and if the grievousness of the wound is considerable enough, it will not be fully repaired before requiring it to be refilled. Faraday Cage: Egwene has built the body in a way that leaves small pockets of metal in specific places, essentially creating a faraday cage for her body to protect it from large blasts of electricity, so that she can write off that large threat to her well being as not much of a threat to her. Cybereyes: Egwenes cybernetic eyes are capable of seeing in any spectrum of light - though only one at a time - and having a radical magnification to them, as well as heat emissions, data signatures, energy emissions, radiation, and other things hidden to the naked eye. While microscope eyes are very helpful for close in mechanical work, they also have a secondary data link to her mechanical brain, which analyse what she is seeing from a scientific standpoint and then feeds it to TONY so that he might calculate proper wartime requirements. This is a secondary function that creates a databank for future reference, and is turned off when TONY is actively overlayed due to the same being done at a better degree. Power Source: The power source of her cybernetics, it is efficient to a degree beyond most energy sources, capable of powering all of Egwene's none-standard cybernetics and enhancements, as well as being the power-source from which she attaches her Suit when in combat. This Muon-Catalysed Fusion Reactor is comparable to Nuclear Fusion reactors as it does the same thing, but at room temperature - hence the name 'Cold' fusion. The issues, being that currently Egwene is unable to create a fully self-sufficient reactor, and the same way Uranium rods are used in Nuclear reactors, so too must she use Palladium metal to draw the Muons in to catalyse and begin fusion. Fusion in the reactor bombards the Palladium with neutrons, and slowly corrodes the metal until it is non-functioning. This metal strip requires replacing every month, on which Egwene operates low functionality on battery backup while replacing it. And also the fact that corroded Palladium is highly poisonous, but that part doesn't bother her, having nothing to poison. The secondary issue is that, despite the efficiency, the small size and lack of Muon-mastery limits the reactor to a certain amount of watts a second. While this wattage is ridiculously high for a palm-sized reactor, it still not a lot of power in the grand scheme of things, and if subsystems are overclocked or the suit is boosted above acceptable parameters, she will not have indefinite runtime. “Skin”: Egwene's customized skin, it is capable of simulating the feel of normal skin, but also moving and changing when introduced to an electrical current, as it is based on a non-newtonian fluid. Egwene originally had plans to do a lot more with this fluid, but the electrical energy costs were far too high for her current level of technology. This flexibility is perfect for Egwene's ability to withdraw tools and weaponry hidden inside her body, without having to rip the skin every time. At the cost of motion, Egwene can pass a radical charge though it to harden it, giving it a very high specific heat capacity and ultimate tensile strength, though this drains her to keep up too long and the stiffening around her skeleton makes it hard to move. Cyberbrain: The mechanical sheath that enhances the organic one, it has a massively power processor and auxiliary banking software, capable of being fed knowledge from Egwene's eyes - or TONY in times of combat - and filing it away for later study or bringing it to the forefront so Egwene immediately knows the details of what she is looking at. It allows for remote connection and manipulation of nearby machinery, but she can really only connect to Wide Area Network devices that have no locks or encryptions. While she is connecting remotely, it is just like having really long arms. While she does technically have a fully organic brain, it has been subsidised into acting as assistance for the mechanical parts of Egwene and is functionally braindead without it. Supplementary storage: With no organs, there was a lot of space left in Egwene that was just going empty. While at first she thought about extra reactors, their construction was not simple and replacing multiple palladium cores would not go well on the stores of the metal. And so instead she filled it with surprises. Some mechanical tools on wires for fine manipulation, specially modified weaponry to pull out in a situation, and a pair of small gas canisters for a smoke screen if things have gone south. TONY: The most important part of her flight capabilities, TONY is a secondary computer system that assists passively with all the calculations and processing Egwene needs in her life, to free up space in Egwene's main brain for the proper thinking of life. This allows Egwene to set TONY on preplanned hypothesis while she makes plans for lunch. This kind of dual-layer power allows Egwene to draw on anything she has learned in a flash, to maintain situational awareness even when otherwise occupied, and regulates her power supply and what requisite cybernetic is required for the situation. In combat time, TONY is brought fully online and turns it's mechanical brain to flying the suit and calculating ballistic trajectories. Connecting to the sensory suite in the suit, it gains 360 degree vision and battlefield awareness, as well as giving Egwene solid aim with her weaponry and piloting capabilities. Though it does a lot of heavy lifting, TONY is by itself not sentient, and is incapable of independent action, becoming useless if Egwene is incapacitated.