====== Klaus Therwood ====== Basic information about your character. Fill out what sections you can and change the ones that don't fit to match your needs. Work In Progress | {{:characters:uns:klaus_nexus.png?400|}}|| ^ Information ^^ ^ Species | Elf | ^ Nation | [[shards:uns|UNS]], Therwood Clan | ^ Age | 24 | ^ Height | 178 cm | ^ Weight | 23 kg | ^ Eye Color | Blue | ^ Hair Color | White | ===== History ===== What has your character done in the past? Feel free to expand this as your character grows and takes part in events. Recommendation - for player characters, try to make sure there is room to grow. There's no need to be the best, so focus on what will make for a fun story. ===== Appearance ===== General description of your character's looks. How do others see them? ===== Personality ===== General description of your character's mannerisms, personal values, and so on. What motivates them? How do they interact with others? ===== Skills ===== What's your character good at? Can be a paragraph or * A * Bulleted * List * Is * Fine, * Too ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:wolf626]] created this on 2021/09/12 12:49. * **Can be adopted?** No * **Looking for RP?** Yes