====== Egwene Tai ====== Mad scientist! Cute robot woman with flexible morality and strong loyalty to people she calls friends. Loves inventing whatever she can get her hands on. | {{characters:character_art|@@}} || | Information || | Species | Human | | Nation | UNS | | Age | 31 | | Height | 5'7 | | Weight | 351lb | | Eye Color | Blue | | Hair Color | Blonde | ===== History ===== Born on Nergal Station, Egwene was an interesting girl, growing up. To say she was intelligent was a drastic understatement, as she was smarter than she had the capability to handle. When she took to things that interested her, she took to them with such abloom it was hard to keep up with her physically or mentally. But she would easily shift from one track to the next and then back to the first track as if she was trying to do two things at once. This carried on into her teenhood and even grew as she took to the habit of reading four or five books at the same time, flitting between them in the middle of pages. This spread focus didn't seem to hamper her ability to remember what she had learned, but only how long it took her to do it (and occasionally, if she ever finished it at all), and she quickly became an exceptionally well-learned woman. Though, it was not all smiles and rainbows. Egwene often forgot the “simple” things of life, like personal hygiene, a good sleep pattern, and eating. Her parents supported her where they could, but she slowly became an unhealthy genius. Eventually, however, learning slowed down, as *doing* came to the forefront. Her experiments and hypotheses were put to the test but she came to realize the limitations of mortality. The irritating interruptions and actions that required her to get the aid of others because she badly abused body was a crapshoot of a thing, the general inability to keep up with her mind…it all drove her barmy. So, she drew up plans to solve everything. Getting a job - or more precisely, several jobs - at The Foundries, she took advantage of the tools at her disposal in her free time to work towards her goal, as well as voraciously devouring books of all kinds, online lessons, reading studies and thesis, talking to people that didn't shy away from her, getting kidnapped by pirates and talking to their mechanic while waiting for infighting and outfighting to rip them apart so she could get back to work. She was basically a giant sponge for knowledge and learning. A few years into this, approaching her twenty-second birthday, Egwene finally finished building herself a cybernetic body. A Tungsten-Graphene alloy bonded synthetically with an artificial chemical allowed for it to survive the rigors of existing while also be a powerful aid for lifting and grasping. A monotask nanogenus was then added to take the requisite upkeep off Egwene’s hands, and everything was ready! Or, mostly. The handy tools, nice tricks and general construction of the body would require a great amount of power to keep. Nuclear and Plasma reactors were the first thought of and the first to be dismissed, one being incredibly dangerous if anything went wrong and the other having insufficient power rating at the size required. Eventually, she got into deeper theories and landed on Muon-Catalysed Fusion. It was here that she gave a mental smile and started working on how to increase the draw rate of the Muons. Working on it, she realized why it was a rarity, since increasing the draw rate was an incredible conundrum. However, a flash of inspiration told her that if she was having a fully cybernetic body, she didn’t have to worry about the degradation of neutron bombardment soaking poisonous metals into her bloodstream. So with that, a new test was run and the draw rate was….sufficient. She’d work on the theory some more over time. Transferring her mind into the new body, she had the awkward task of getting rid of herself. Though, before that, she needed to adjust to mechanical living. No longer in a collapsing catastrophe of a body, she was now free of all that. The new body she was put into was a strange one though. All metal, and powered by thought wholly separate from the nervous system. She would have to give up a few days just to master the full range of motions, and then a few more for the finer things in life. Though telescopic limbs, hydraulic muscles, and multi-spectrum vision was helpful for her work before you got onto the biological issues you were freed from. The awkward moment became super-awkward when someone walked in and saw someone’s apparent evil twin dancing around their corpse. That took a few weeks for her to sort out, but eventually, she managed to smooth it over and get back to life. Of course, thoughts turned to the pirates constantly buggering around on the station. She wanted to see what she could do, but also didn’t want to just rush off into fighting because she was piloting a metal frame now. She needed something, better. It was from here, she decided to test the upper limits of her knowledge. Putting her science and engineering skills to the test, she found it grueling enough that there was not a pull to go and do something else. Though there were many issues, Egwene made simple-ish workarounds for them. The design she was working on would be one of incredible technology, but at the same time, it was basically useless to any standardized military due to the time-cost and harrowing specifications it was built to. It had no amenities to a biological pilot and required cybernetic uplinks to pilot and control. Plus the slight problem of the power source slowly poisoning its pilot. Working more on it, into her 23rd birthday, she finished the L-3000. A personalized battlesuit capable of high octane combat maneuverability, using electromagnetic sciences to create charged neutron particles, these are fired out of the suit at two locations. The feet provide horizontal thrust, and the palms create vertical thrust, capable of creating flight when used together. If this thrust is focused to a smaller point, compressed and then released, it could create a blast of extreme kinetic energy, akin to a punch of energy. The air intake was capable of creating a tunnel that allows the usually short-ranged neutrons to reach greater distances, but that could only work if the current place has an atmosphere. Still, she liked what she had made, and took it outside for a test run. It was here she realized the difference between sight and aiming, as her capabilities with using the repulsor’s offensive function were sub-par. Her capabilities with the flight part of the flight suit were even worse than par, and she made a fantastical mess things before smashing hard into the ground and being thankful for a lack of biological components. Getting up and out of the suit, she let out a loud yell. She was not going to spend another few years learning how to do this just so she could go out and finally accomplish something with her science!! With a RAAA! She set back to the labs and angrily developed a computer program. This program, affectionately named TONY, was installed to her own cybernetic brain, and from there she would run subroutines to adjust her suit on the fly - no pun intended. By this point, as Egwene was want to do, she had grown born of the idea of hunting pirates on her station and wanted to become a proper Doctor after a talk with one ship's own. Egwene catching a shuttle to Solara City on the ship that the Doctor was crewing, it was an interesting new world. Egwene had kept her body as close to normal appearance as she could for sake of ease and recognition, but the artifical nature seemed to blunt the discomfort people felt around her people, as if their brain recognized it was not real and didn't freak the same way. Here she earned herself a pair of Doctorates to bolster her reputation, and then invented some small things to further get her name out and a small but stable flow of income to her. Between that and some mercenary work with L-3000, she was ready to push the boundaries into some serious hardware~ ===== Appearance ===== Egwene is a simple being to look at. She has a lithe body, B-cup breasts, 5'7, snow-white, bright blue eyes, human ears, white hair, and a short bob cut. It is all very generic and gives a feeling that it was not natural but designed in such a manner for a reason yet unclear. Her facial features and eye shape are distinctly normal and simplistic as if made for simplicity's sake. One slightly strange thing is the woman seems to suffer from a mild form of Macrocephalia, as, while it takes close inspection, her head is larger than it should be naturally. One massive deviation from this, however, is her mass. She sits somewhere between eight and ten times heavier than a woman of her size should be, and while her voice is normal, people with highly sensitive notices can pick up the lack of humanoid scents and instead of a whiff of, some metallic substance. ===== Personality ===== Simple and somewhat reactive, Egwene is an easy girl to get along with because she likes having friends. While sometimes she can miss the point or think a situation is something different to what it is, she generally tries her best to be friendly, and have friends. Though she dislikes unethical people - triply so for unethical scientists, who besmirch her trade - she will bite her tongue. Unless they are in her face about their unethical deeds and laugh like nobody is going to punch them in the face. Because she will. Though, this does not mean she is immune to talking to people with the assumption they understand what she is saying, which can lead her to get looks as she has just drooled on them or something. Though, she is always happy to slow down and explain what she means. Though, she has been known to often be pretty mechanical in her interactions. Just as they don't understand the advanced theory of quantum curvature, so too does she not understand basic social etiquette. This can lead to her being pretty blunt or striking at the core of the matter regardless of what the matter actually is. She wants to help, but sometimes people have to bring emotions into it and make a damned mess. ===== Skills ===== * Chemistry * Construction * Engineering * Maintenance and Repair * Mathematics * Medical and Science * Technology Operation ======= Creations ======== * [[weapon:bjornskald]] * [[gear:other:zapjuice]] * [[gear:other:rock_sucker]] * [[gear:other:l-3000]] * [[gear:drones:ursarus_primarus]] * [[gear:drones:ursarus]] * [[gear:other:metallica_corpus]] ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:egwene_tai]] created this on 2021/09/13 10:34. * **Can be adopted?** Yes * **Looking for RP?** Yes * **Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules?** Yes