====== Faris Hodzich ====== A steadfast devotee of the zealous militaristic Reevean people. This variant human displaying glee as he dispatches the orders of his true superiors. Despite the odds, Faris will *always* have a smile on his face. Even if he were to die. | {{:characters:nation:faris_model2.0.jpg?400|}} || | Information || | Species | Human | | Nation | [[locations:everan:military:the_golden_band]] | | Age | 24 | | Height | 6' | | Weight | 180lbs | | Eye Color | Hazel | | Hair Color | Brown | ===== History ===== -- Pre-Isekai -- Born in the Republics of the Reeves, Faris was raised by a large military family on a backwater planet. The only son amongst a gaggle of sisters, he made it his goal to be the family's protector whilst his father and uncles were off to one of the many conflicts his planet had. Eventually finding himself conscripted at the age of 12 into the Reevean Army to fight in the 4th Grand War((One of the many world wars that had happened on the planet.)) Spending his first years as a soldier in the trenches against the Empire of Ichiko.((A massive empire that controlled roughly 2/5 of the super continent)) It would not be till he turned 22 when the 4th Grand War concluded. Faris having advanced through the ranks of the Army. Being honored with advancement to Commander only a year prior. With this advancement, Faris was gifted command over a platoon of 6 Mark III NationBorn Heavy Tanks.((Think of a heavily armored and slow tank that had a blend of WWI-WWII era technology)) The newly appointed armored commander delivering a truly impressive display of tactical brilliance as he was a critical asset to the progress of the war in favor of the Republics. At the end of the war, due to his contributions, he was given the highest honor of the Republics of the Reeves. The Medal of Republic Vigor. Shortly after the war however, the Republics released a massive sleuth of its soldiers. Faris was one of the unfortunate many who lost their career before he qualified for retirement. Disgruntled, Faris counted his blessings and returned home to his large family. Spending the following year in peace with them. Unfortunately for Faris, another war would crop up, the Republics calling him back to the Army. Though this time, he was up against an enemy beyond his world. Fighting a coalition of alien people who resembled Xunok humans, those who were completely alien in appearance, and the most surprising, his fellow Xunok humans. It was the start of the Unification war. Lasting only 6 months, Faris was captured at the very end, being part of one of the last Reevean strongholds. Though eventually was forced to surrender else be bombarded from orbit. He then was stripped of his weapons and brought as a POW to the invader's main head quarters.((later capitol of the planet)) There he meet the leader of the invasion force, Kyro Dragoon. To whom gave Faris an ultimatum, his skills and allegiance to the newly founded Monarchy of Dovania, or death. Having delegated a fortnight to decide, he conceded and gave his allegiance, to which he was put through the trials to become an Imperial Guardsman. Though he struggled through the absurdly near impossible test, Faris ultimately succeeded. This inevitably was a deciding factor to him surviving through the Exodus of the Kyzu system. As his value and sheer luck being stationed in the capital when the exodus was ordered saved him a seat on one of the ships that departed. -- Post-Isekai -- After making it through the other side, Faris was given the fastest vessel and told to find some semblance of civilization and gather as much intelligence as he could before returning with a full report and understanding of the new universe they found themselves in. It was along the way, Faris ran into the Golden Band and was recruited as a mech pilot. ===== Appearance ===== Faris Hodzich is a young adult variant human male, standing at 6 feet tall and currently weighs 180 pounds. Holding a rather strong and athletic build. With this his skin has a gruff texture and colored a light brown. His dark brown hair is cut short, matching and meeting the qualifications of most militarized organizations. Bright Hazel eyes sit almost perfectly underneath his firm brow, complementing his tan completion. Note: Fairs is almost always smiling, even when in severe pain. ===== Personality ===== * Gregarious * Outgoing * Caring * Petty * Easy to Please * Zealous of His Career and Beliefs, to the point he is almost violent * Loyal to a Fault * Family is Everything * Will do Almost Anything for Borscht ===== Skills ===== * Marksman Quality with most ballistic long guns * Veteran in operating old/dated lightly armored ground vehicles * Experienced Leadership Skills * Hospitality/Morale * Master Swordsman * Skilled in Wilderness Survival ((Earth-like planets only)) * Skilled Tactician * Military Experience ((any other minor skills he may have gathered during his 8 years as a soldier)) ===== Equipment ===== ==== Faris' Sunrunner Mothballed Mech Mk.2 ==== | {{:locations:everan:military:weeping_angel_medium_mech_inspired_by_the_mechs_in_battletechme_4fe0f96c-a7cf-4f97-bd3c-69dd6d02c167.png?400|}} |||| | Armament | Range | Damage Type | Consumption Per Round | | 150mm Auto Cannon | 1,600 Meters | Heavy Armor AP Rounds | 20a | | SRM 6 | 500 Meters | HEAP Munitions | 6a 4h | | MRM 10 | 1000 Meters | HEAP Munitions | 10a 4h | | x2 Small Electron Lasers | 200 Meters | Light Anti-Armor Energy Rounds | 3h | | Sunrunner Mothballed Mech Equipment Upgrades || | Equipment | Description | | Tracks | Doubles the maximum speed of the mech. | | Armored Cowl | Additional armor to the cockpit of the mech. Providing resistance against most small arms fire. | | First Aid Station | Simple Golden Band brand first aid pack mounted to the wall in the cockpit. | ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:dovaniandesign]] created this on 2024/03/20 22:37. * **Can be adopted?** No * **Looking for RP?** Yes * **Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules?** Yes