====== Clayton Tillery ====== Clayton is a cybernetically augmented Soldier with both arms replaced with mechanical arms. talks softy and carries a big stick or rather a grenade launcher. Often looking out for his brothers and sisters in arms. | {{:characters:nation:p1.jpg?400|}} || | Information || | Species | Human | | Nation | [[shards:bts]]| | Age | 30 | | Height | 6ft | | Weight | 190 | | Eye Color | brown | | Hair Color | raven | ===== History ===== Growing up during wartime was tough on Claytons family but his father playing games like soldier and army crawl with Clayton may have influenced him to join the military with more Viger than normal. nearly a decade later He would join the military, it was during basic training he understood those games he enjoyed as a child were morbidly darker given the time period and probably had more to do with not eating a bullet from the war. he still keeps in contact with his father after completing basic training and being assigned to the rough riders. he contributes a lot of the reason he joined was due to his father. ===== Appearance ===== A pasty Private with hazel eyes and navy blue hair. he has strength enhancing cybernetics ===== Personality ===== Clayton takes each day as it comes, doing what feels right to him in the moment. And they make sure to leave plenty of room in their lives for the unexpected – with the result that many of their most cherished memories are of spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment outings and adventures, whether by themselves or with their loved ones. ===== Skills ===== Communication Marines are familiar with basic operation and procedures of radio and communications equipment and can both make and receive transmissions other military personnel through headsets, ship communications systems, ground vehicles, and shuttles both in combat and out of combat with the proper discipline and procedures necessary to make their transmission and intentions known by the receiver. Marines are fluent in Trade. They are able to speak and write both correctly and efficiently to a degree and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. The marine is skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc). Combat Marines are trained to stay fit, to shoot weapons, and to be able to at a moments notice commit extreme and even lethal physical violence without a moment hesitation. To achieve this, marines are trained to devoting at least an hour daily to physical fitness and mental combat training such as drilling or combat exercise Marines are trained to fire accurately, and in the same direction as other marines. Marines are training in all available weapons platforms large and small in the operation, maintenance, repair, and function of all issued weapons in an out of their profession from the smallest handgun to the largest of weaponry. Last but most important of all marines are taught the basics of hand to hand combat in the form of self-defense training and each can memorize from muscle and memory alike. Strategy The basic understanding of following orders, marines learn about combat tactics and the differences between mobile and light infantry operations. They are also taught about combined arms operations, utilizing Navy and Marine airborne assets to support their own operations. They also learn how to plan and execute various non-standard operations such as commando raids, reconnaissance, urban, jungle, desert & artic warfare as well as starship boarding operations. In basic training a Marine is taught how to wear their uniform, How to sleep in and maintain a hammock bed, to not speak unless spoken to when dealing with a superior officer such as saluting and not saluting in combat conditions, and to follow orders without hesitation or speaking back. ===== OOC ===== * **Player** [[user:shadowwalker]] created this on 2022/12/12 04:49. * **Can be adopted?** Yes * **Looking for RP?** Yes * **Does this content comply with Project Multiverse' setting and submission rules?** Yes